You don’t want to miss Tom DeVore at Thursday evening at out Guns Save Life meeting in LaSalle County.  We’ll be meeting at Jamie’s Outpost in Utica.  Dinner and conversation begin around 6p.  Meeting program at 7.

And yes, Tom DeVore will be our featured speaker.  We don’t know exactly what he’s going to talk about but I’m guessing it might have something to do with my Executive Director’s report that’s in this latest issue of GunNews that is getting printed at this very moment.

Here’s a tease:

IL General Assembly
Already there have been some crazy anti-gun proposals in this new session.

By and large we in the gun rights community are ignoring them and I’ll tell you why: We don’t have the votes to stop gun control bills. It doesn’t matter if we have five paid lobbyists in Springfield or 500, it will not matter. If the Democrats want to pass a gun control bill, there’s nothing we can do. We don’t have the votes. Heck, we can’t even keep the Republican caucus in line.

I know I received a fundraising mailer recently from a gun rights org. “Without (this group) only one side gets heard!” the envelope touted.

Guess what? The people running Springfield don’t listen to what gun owners think, except for one thing and that’s to help them make their bad bills better.

GSL is done helping them improve their poorly written bills, and so are most of the other gun rights groups throughout the state and noted legislative strategists like Dan Eldridge and Todd Vandermyde.

Todd and I have been advocating this “don’t help them fix it before they pass it” position since the Gun Dealer Licensing fiasco, but only finally now it seems like pretty much the rest of the gun groups are following that as well. Remember, the worse the bill, the easier it is to overturn in court.


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