To the Editor:

It has been colder than Hillary Clinton’s broomstick this week, but that did not deter the Springfield Chapter of the National Association of Nitwits from making fools of themselves in front of the Illinois State Capitol on Monday:

It seems news travels slowly among the stupid, and someone should tell these folks the election is over and your side lost.  Quit the damn whining. No one cares to watch their little “Oh, woe is me” performance. For the two stooges above, a return to sanity scares the bejesus out of them.

Is this the “Resistance” we have been threatened with by the Left? Hardly. It is just what they call “performative theater.”  I suspect many of the crazies are Pritzker’s disciples, school teachers, SEIU grifters, Alphabet People, and other so-called “stakeholders” in the vast money laundering scam and the fraud, waste, and abuse scheme of the Obama/Biden cartel. Democrats thrive off of the social justice gravy train, the CO2hoax, and public sector unions, and they have become accustomed to the proverbial free lunch.  There is no limit on what they will do to keep the rivers of cash flowing.

These folks are relying upon corrupt federal district judges to intervene and run the Executive Branch to their liking. This judicial trespass upon the powers and duties reserved for the president is reckless at best. I’m certain Trump will not yield to this unconstitutional and brazen attempt to undermine the will of the people and the plain written word of the Constitution. Right now, a PR war of words is playing out, but I can see that war heating up soon, as the SC will wade in and Chief Justice Roberts will have the final say on whether or not the Executive Branch will continue to exist in practice as well as in theory.

Gary Hetherington

Springfield, Illinois

7 thoughts on “LETTER TO THE EDITOR: National Association of Nitwits assemble in Springfield Monday to protest Trump”
  1. I drove past the Gurnee Mills Mall, Gurnee, IL on President’s Day, and at the main intersection sure enough there were about a dozen bundled up goof balls chanting and waiving signs. At first I thought they were sign spinners from President’s Day Mattress Sale. Nope, and it was too cold for a car wash. They had a bunch of poster boards proclaiming Trump needs to go and he is not their president. Dream on kids.
    I laughed aloud seeing them. Not over the idea of protest- laughed because the wind chill was -15 degrees. I figured they would get their selfies and bail out after about 15 minutes in that wind! I thought a protest in that type of cold was only for those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, but at least none had their tongues stuck to the light pole yet.

  2. Calling Nurse Ratched. Calling Nurse Ratched. Nurse Ratched to the Capital steps, please. Your charges are getting out of hand.

  3. Thank God President Trump has been installed to the presidency and that he is bringing to light all the corruption of the bureaucracy and their massive waste of taxpayer’s funds, it is bringing out the demented disgusting mentally deficient malcontents who cannot thrive without their “gubmint subsidies”, parasites that they are!
    Pray for America that we can rid ourselves of the corrupt-o-cRATS (aka: criminal democRATS), may they spend eternity in Satan’s company in Hadees.

  4. For a breath of fresh air, or a glimmer of hope, check-out Oliver Anthony’s speech on 02/19/2025 at Alliance for Responsible Citizenship.

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