There is an unholy alliance between gangs and politicians in Illinois. And evil, unholy alliance. Politicians provide cover for the gangs, while gangs provide campaign cash, campaign “volunteers” and mobilize voters. Politicians, political activists with bylines in the media, in the media and people who don’t know any better refer to gang violence as gun violence.
Go read the story…
LAWBREAKERS, LAWMAKERS: In some parts of Chicago, violent street gangs and pols quietly trade money and favors for mutual gain. The thugs flourish, the elected officials thrive—and you lose. A special report.
And by cover, here’s another example. While gang violence runs amok in cities across Illinois, instead of cracking down on gang bangers who illegally possess, carry and use firearms in the commission of violent crimes, our fine legislative class in Springfield introduce legislation to severely regulate… flame throwers.
Will you have to present a FOID card, undergo a three-day waiting period and background check to buy a flame thrower.
If HB0019 becomes law, you will need to jump through all the hoops to buy a flamethrower that you need to buy a rifle.
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Requires a person to have a currently valid Firearm Owner’s Identification Card issued in his or her own name by the Illinois State Police in order to acquire or possess a flamethrower. Exempts certain military, law enforcement, and other specified persons. Defines flamethrower. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that it is a Class 4 felony to deliver a flamethrower to a person, incidental to a sale, without withholding delivery of the flamethrower for at least 72 hours after application for its purchase has been made.
Illinois already treats most pellet guns as firearms already. Don’t you feel safer knowing that?
Does that mean you’ll need to undergo a background check, provide a FOID card and wait three days to buy a can of WD-40 and a Bic lighter? Or to merely possess a lighter and a can of WD-40?
I must have missed the coverage of all the crimes committed with flamethrowers. Thank God the legislature is looking out for us!
They never fail to disappoint. They’ll eventually get around to sling-shots and stones.
US Fire Admin 2022 Stats by State: IL
Total deaths by all fires: 153 / Death rate per million 12.2 / Relative risk 0.9.
I refer to myself Israelfirst; because I know my ancestral birthright. I am appalled at this governor to claim Trump supporters are National Socialist. The people that scream NAZI as a political tool have NO idea of the truth of history.
PLEASE remember this is from a man, whose family funds the synthetic sexual identity movement in our country.