GunNews is now available to download.  Please share with your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and everyone else in your circle of influence.

We shared this message to readers of GunNews in this issue…

Thank you for picking up this issue of GunNews Magazine. We’re proud of our monthly journal and hope it helps you to become a smarter, better-informed citizen and gun owner.

Our content can help you steer clear of violent criminals. It can help you avoid jail in post-use-of-force interactions with police, prosecutors, judges and jurors. Other content will help you weather adversity and emergencies to help keep your family safe and prepared.

Membership in GSL is just $30 annually at the moment. It’s going up to $40 in May, but for now you can save $10 and sign up today. Your membership allows us to continue our work at the local and state level defending your right to defend yourself.

Membership comes with benefits as well, including discounts on concealed carry legal coverage as well as GSL’s Legal Defense Fund for those improperly arrested on gun-related charges.

Come out and join us at our meetings, too. You’ll meet some great people, potentially make some new, high-quality friends and learn new things. We’ll leave you educated, entertained and energized for our never-ending fight in this state to defend your right to defend yourself. Plus we have monthly gun drawings at our meetings.

Join our family using the application on the back page of GunNews, online at our website, or drop off your membership check at a meeting (where you’ll get two free gun drawing tickets for each year you join or renew!). We need you in this fight alongside the rest of our family.

Freedom isn’t a spectator sport. Come join our family. Help us continue to get proven results defending your right to defend yourself.


Guns Save Life


The headline covers how major national gun control organizations have been funded, in part, by taxpayer dollars.  And how this expanded dramatically under the Biden regime.

Inside we have stories about how to legally transport firearms – including for those under 18 who may be transporting firearms to and from ranges for lawful purposes.  (And how under 18s, with a FOID card, can transport firearms legally under Illinois law.)

Also inside:  maximizing your privacy when buying ammunition, recommendations on what to do if police pull you over and stick a gun in your face thinking you’re a suspect in some crime (but in reality it’s a case of mistaken identity caused by officer negligence… just this happened in the Chicago suburb of Woodridge, IL not so long ago.

We also offered suggestions on how to handle a police officer who wants to disarm you on a routine traffic stop.

What else?  We have stories on body armor for regular residents, how to maximize energy production in your generators during emergencies when gasoline resupply may be difficult at best.

As we mentioned above, we are proud of our monthly journal and hope it helps you to become a smarter, better-informed citizen and gun owner.  Our content can help you steer clear of violent criminals. It can help you avoid jail in post-use-of-force interactions with police, prosecutors, judges and jurors. Other content will help you weather adversity and emergencies to help keep your family safe and prepared.

So enjoy!

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD and/or read online.


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