Found the same news story on a couple of outlets today proclaiming Chicago is the USA Homicide Capital for 13th straight year based upon 2024 numbers. 573 murdered human beings. Hey my go to source, said it was actually 610 killed here. Potato/Potato. Seems like a lot to me.
Well it is good to be recognized in your chosen field of endeavor I guess, but headline aside, not quite true that Chi-Raq is #1 in all areas. Chi Town did have the most Homicides in the U.S. again last year, but Chicago actually comes in about 10th overall per 100,000 population based upon last year’s numbers.
2024 actually has a new murder per capita champion. Turns out our neighbor to the south- St Louis, MO is the mathematical winner of the Dirt Nap Derby.
St Louis finished up with a whopping 69.4 per 100,000, triple the Chicago numbers. (, another source says St Louis was only 52.9.. but still ranks #1 by their study.) In 2023, retiring champion Birmingham AL, absolutely killed it- oh pardon my puns- with 78.2 homicides per 100,000 residents.
Chicago is the biggest big city winner/loser with murders at the 21.5 per 100,000 population. Seems less “murdery” when you look at it that way doesn’t it. Combine that with the left claiming in January crime is down as 40 less people got killed compared to 2023. What about the sheer number of 600 criminal deaths and all of the grieving families? Oh and they did not mention 2982 people were shot too. Nearly 3000 people shot in a year? Claiming crime is down is such spin they would have you believe you can actually “polish a turd.” Well stats show in 79% of all Chicago homicide cases last year no criminal charges were filed. That is quite a success rate if you are murderer. Not quite 100% chance of getting away free but just shy of 8 our of 10 chances is pretty damned high! Get to polishing that turd Mayor and Cook County State’s Attorneys Office see if you get any on your hands.
Certainly not much to cheer about again this year in Dem controlled Chicago. Most murders in the U.S. kind of tough to choke that one down and still claim you are doing great. Maybe this headline will somehow bolster the Mayor’s below awful record of non successes (similar to the Bears and Sox records this past year!) Can you still cheer for being the worst? Go team.
Chicago also had only 26 less murders than NYC and LA combined this past year. Repeating, Chicago routinely notches up more murders than those two much larger cities- combined. Why? This is a “dynasty” the Windy City has continued for several years. Far beyond a “Three Peat”.
One article, says the Chi Town rate is 3x the LA rate (259 murders) and 5x times the NYC rate (377 murders) – but don’t trust my math… I certainly don’t. I need Alexa to crunch numbers larger than my digits.
So anyway, you keep your chin up Chicago, with all the suppression of police pro active measures, lack of face to face contact, failure to show up for over 50% of 911 calls, the no chase policies, and the Shot Spotter fiascos, you might make it to #1 again this year with just a bit more hustle.
Percentages? I’m guessing the victims were more concerned with the raw numbers.
Exactly. What’s one more day above ground worth to grieving families?
As long as the arrogant mayor “lets go” Brandon keeps the designation of sanctimonious (or is it sanctuary) city, Chitcago ought to maintain it’s number 1 at being a number 2 (“s*it hole”) city, and he can be “proud” of. ya think? Who cares? }I never lost anything up there that I can’t live without.
Sanctimonious City indeed. Love it. Mayor is the captain of a large and sinking ship.