Troy Industries has a new product line they want you to buy! They showed it to my buddy Dan Zimmerman from The Truth About Guns and Dan posted it up today.
(Troy Industries) – A BattleAxTM for the 21st Century: the new TROY TomahawkTM Stock. The Tomahawk is a modern, combat-tactical, PDW-style retractable stock with an integrated cheek piece that elevates 5.56/.300 Blackout and 7.62 carbines, making them powerful, compact and ultra lightweight.
Utilizing a MIL-SPEC bolt carrier group, the Tomahawk Standard (5.56/7.62) shortens overall length by 2″ compared to an M4 stock. The impact- resistant, polymer cheek-piece with QD swivel mount provides stability and comfort; the aluminum thumb-latch and guide rails offer superior strength and five positions of adjustment. The Tomahawk Short employs the patented, proprietary TROY PDW buffer and bolt carrier group resulting in a four position adjustable option that is 3.4″ shorter than the typical M4 stock.
Available in Black, Tan and Flat Dark Earth, with and without BCG.
It hasn't gone well for Troy Industries in the comments section of that post on a blog that's got as much or an even bigger circulation each day than the largest dead-tree gun magazines publish each issue.
We hope these latest Troy offerings are more durable than their flimsy, cheap-feeling AR Battlemags. No wonder they supposedly give those crappy magazines away at some of the national championship competitions…
Why do Troy Battlemags have a problem with spontaneous combustion?
From our post in August 2013 that led to Jody Weis' world collapsing all around him.
Troy Industries hires anti-gun, cowardly political hack Jody Weis as an instructor UPDATED: Coward fired.

Troy Industries announced in recent days the hiring of Jody Weis, the former anti-gun head of Chicago PD, as an instructor with their training division, "Troy Asymmetric".
Imagine that: A high-profile firearms and firearms accessory manufacturer hiring a raving anti-gun political hack and touting it to the world! Even worse, hiring a coward at that.
Why do we say Jody Weis is a coward?
Because he ran from the sound of gunfire, post haste, when shots erupted as he was winding down a press conference in Chicago during his stint as police superintendent. It was so blatant that the officers at Chicago PD gave him a new nickname: J-Fled.
Yes, he abruptly terminated a news conference, saying he's "gotta run" before abruptly leaving with his bodyguard. To everyone's shock and surprise, he didn't run to the sound of gunfire that resulted in another homicide – 45 seconds away – but he instead fled to police headquarters. With his bodyguard.
His cowardice earned him at least one formal complaint.
CHICAGO (Police One) — Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis is a “coward” who had “cut and run” last week when he should have responded to shots fired 45 seconds away, a retired police officer charged Monday.
More than 20 years ago, John Northen led a group of police sergeants who filed a federal lawsuit charging they were unfairly denied promotions as the result of a flawed lieutenants exam.
Now, Northen has filed a complaint with the Independent Police Review Authority, forwarded to the inspector general’s office, accusing Weis of “failing to take appropriate police action” during the news conference Friday in crime-ridden Englewood.
After 26 hours of violence that left 41 shot and four dead, Weis summoned reporters to the 6600 block of South Marshfield Ave., site of at least two of the shootings.
As the media event drew to a close, an aide tapped Weis on the shoulder to tell him about the nearby shooting. Apparently unaware of what he was about to be told, Weis told a television reporter asking follow-up questions that he’s “gotta run.”
…“Jody Weis is a coward. I don’t want to see a coward leading the men and women of the Chicago Police Department,” [Northen] said.
“I’ve talked to people at the scene. Somebody even timed it with a mars light. He was only 45 seconds away from officers going in on a perilous assignment where one man ended up dead. He should have responded to the scene and backed up his men. This guy went the other way. He cut and run. He’s a disgrace. If he was a blue-shirt [low-level officer], he’d be an outcast.”
There's plenty more at Crime File News.
And Second City Cop.
Even the New York Times reported on Weis' cowardice and his nickname in a profile piece.
The raw nature of the superintendent’s relations with some police officers surfaced in a recent spate of violence in the troubled Englewood neighborhood.
When Mr. Weis, who has been given the nickname J-Fed by some officers, went to Englewood to hold a news conference on April 2, a shooting occurred a few blocks away as he was speaking to reporters. When Mr. Weis decided to return to headquarters instead of going to the scene of the shooting, John Northern, a retired Chicago police sergeant, publicly accused him of cowardice, and a police blogger started referring to him as “J-Fled.”
On top of that, Weis was such a failure as police chief that the Fraternal Order of Police formally called for his resignation after their members overwhelmingly signaled "no confidence" in J-Fled's leadership (or lack thereof).
During his tenure as Chicago's Police Chief, Weis lobbied and advocated for banning many of the products his new employer manufactures and sells. He rabidly advocated against right-to-carry and gun ownership for the law-abiding in Chicago.
He instituted fingerprinting of anyone registering a handgun in that city following Chicago losing the McDonald decision which effectively struck down Chicago's ban on handguns in that city.
CHICAGO (HuffPo)— The Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis says the department will fingerprint anyone who wants to legally own a handgun in the city.
Weis outlined at a news conference Monday how police will implement the handgun ordinance that just went into effect. He says the cost for a Chicago firearms permit will be a flat fee of $100, and registering guns will cost an additional $15 per gun.
Just this year, less than six months ago, Weis wrote an op-ed that appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times. We won't link to the Sun-Times because of their pay wall (we don't drive any traffic to them) but we will share with you the first couple of paragraphs.
(Chicago Sun-Times) – The tragedy in Newtown, Conn., is forcing us — as a country — to have a long overdue debate about gun control.
Efforts to enhance background checks and limit the availability of high capacity magazines for assault weapons are both prudent measures that will assist in keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals and reduce the lethality of these weapons. However, with 300 million firearms in this country, we must more seriously confront what to do about the guns that are already on our streets, and the offenders who use them.
Troy Industries hired a man who has worked tirelessly to strip me and my loved ones of the right to own the tools with which we would use to protect ourselves from violent thugs.
For me, I've always recommended Troy Industries products to my students in the past.
No more.
Any company that thinks so little of firearm owners and firearms rights that they hire a high-profile political hack who worked tirelessly to deny law-abiding of their right to keep and bear arms has lost my business and I'll go out of my way to inform their customer base of the reason why.
With the hiring of "J-Fled", Troy Industries deserves the self-inflicted alienation of their customer base.
Nice going Troy.
Why don't you bring Mark Kelly on board next.
And Gabby Giffords while you're at it.
YOU’RE FIRED, JODY! Troy cans Weis following gun owner reaction
Jody, meet bus.
Bus, meet Jody.
Our story on Jody Weis’ hiring by Troy Assymetric struck a nerve with gun owners nationwide last night into today.
Troy has thrown Jody under the bus after hearing from hundreds, if not thousands of angry gun owners.
Indeed, Guns Save Life emailed Troy Industries asking for a comment on the hiring of Jody “J-Fled” Weis as an instructor by Troy Assymetric.
Seems Yellow Boy Jody got the axe today.
Probably the first time he’s ever been fired.
Here’s the response I got from Troy.
Troy Industries is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. In recent months, we have been more vocal about our beliefs, choosing to align ourselves with companies and individuals who are like-minded.
In response to the reaction of our customer base, Jody Weis will not be joining the Troy Asymmetric cadre of instructors.
We value the thoughts and concerns of our loyal customers. Troy Industries and its affiliated companies are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and will continue to promote this right through our products, statements, actions and affiliations.
Thank you
Allyson Ranelli
Troy Industries, Inc
151A Capital Dr
West Springfield, MA 01089
413-788-4288 x116 Office
413-788-4610 Fax
I’m disappointed Troy didn’t do a better job of vetting applicants, but happy with their prompt decision to throw Weis under the bus.
Troy stands by their employee, Lon Horiuchi’s partner at Ruby Ridge!
Troy Industries really stepped hip deep in the kimchee with their hiring of Jody Weis as an instructor in their training division, Troy Assymetric.
Today, a day after Guns Save Life shared their new hire announcement of Weis with gun owners throughout the nation, Troy now claims Weis won’t be joining them after all.
Irrespective of their nuanced announcement – we can’t believe they would trumpet their excitement about bringing Jody Weis on board as an instructor if it wasn’t a done deal – we’re glad he’s gone and pleased we had a hand in wrecking his new job in the private sector.
One of our regular readers did some digging of his own and did a little research on another new member (at least until tomorrow?) of the Troy Assymetric staff. Dale R. Monroe.
Yeah, that name didn’t sound familiar to us right away, but it did to our reader Kevin.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dale Monroe to our Troy Asymmetric Cadre of Instructors. Dale brings nearly three decades of experience in the areas of SWAT, Incident Response, Tactical Training and Investigation to Troy.
Having previously served as the Tactical Commander/SWAT Senior Team Leader in the Los Angeles FBI Bureau, Dale also gleaned experience from his time in the Phoenix, Arizona and Quantico, Virginia Offices. Highlights of his tenure include his oversight of the FBI’s Crisis Response/Tactical participation in two National level WMD exercises and coordinating their associated multi-million dollar budgets, and assisting in security coordination efforts for the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games. Perhaps most notably, Dale served as a Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) Tactical Operator on the nation’s only federal civilian counter-terrorism response team.
He holds degrees from both Hillsdale College and the University of Arizona as well as a certificate from the Naval Aviation Flight Training School in Pensacola, Florida. In addition, Mr. Monroe served in the United States Marine Corps where he was deployed in two Western Pacific Tours.
To contact Dale or our other world-class instructors, call 413-788-4213 or use our contact form found here.
His bio at Troy was impressive but left out one huge aspect of Monroe’s career.
In reality, perhaps most notably Dale Monroe was Lon Horiuchi’s partner at Ruby Ridge.
Remember Ruby Ridge?
FBI snipers Lon Horiuchi and Dale Monroe tried to kill these men. Judge, jury and executioner.
And Horiuchi just “accidentally” murdered Vicky Weaver.
And Dale Monroe said he was ready to take that same shot but Horiuchi fired first.
What a couple of shining examples of courage and bravery, right? Shooting down a woman armed with nothing but an infant in her arms.
Horiuchi and Monroe tried to kill two men who were ultimately acquitted of wrongdoing, except for some minor charges against Randy Weaver.
What happened to Horiuchi?
A bunch of nothing, sadly.
He should have met a rope the next morning, or life in prison, but he was from the anointed class of elites.
Randy Weaver eventually won a $3 million judgement against the government but that won’t bring back his wife.
Ruby Ridge Snipers Defend Their Actions in Front of Senate Panel
(LA Times via The Tech – Sept. 15, 1995) – FBI snipers Thursday defended their actions at the 1992 Ruby Ridge siege where a white separatist’s wife was killed, contending that danger to an FBI observation helicopter from armed men outside the separatist’s cabin justified opening fire.
But skeptical senators questioned whether permissive shoot-to-kill orders and exaggerated information about the threat of Randy Weaver led to an overreaction.
Dale R. Monroe, the partner of FBI hostage rescue team leader Lon Horiuchi – who fired the fatal shot – said he was preparing to fire but didn’t only because Horiuchi fired first.
Horiuchi invoked his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination Tuesday after the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on terrorism refused to give him limited immunity from prosecution.
Lon Horiuchi executed Randy Weaver’s wife as she held a newborn baby during the Ruby Ridge siege. And Dale Monroe was right there by his side ready to take that same shot.
In a battle of scumbags, I’m not sure which is worse, Jody Weis or Dale Monroe.
What is it with Troy Industries of late?
Is that Massachusetts water getting to them, or what?
In any event, it’s up to gun owners to make an informed decision if they want to do business with a company that hired Horiuchi’s partner from Ruby Ridge. A partner that said he would have taken that same shot except Horiuchi fired first.
Hot off the presses from the Troy Industries Facebook page.
We thank everyone for their opinions on Dale Monroe. We are still reviewing Mr. Monroe’s relationship with Troy Asymmetric and are looking in to the claims that are being made online.
We have reviewed the 1995 Ruby Ridge Congressional testimony and found at 1:42:35 of the taping, it is indeed Ed Wenger who says he would have shot, had Special Agent Horiuchi not shot first.
The attribution of the statement on to Mr. Monroe is incorrect. After reviewing the testimony, we are confident that you, too, will find that it is indeed Wenger that made the statement, not Monroe.
Monroe was an FBI HRT member assigned a mission which turned tragic. We are saddened by the events at Ruby Ridge and recognize the significance of the tragedy. If you’ve never worn a uniform, you might not understand why Monroe was in the situation he was in, but if you have worn a uniform, you know how it is to follow orders in a fluid situation.
We’re weighing a difficult decision with many facets and things to consider. One thing we know for sure: Mr. Monroe did not state that he would have fired first. We do hope you will take the time to review all of the available materials on Ruby Ridge and Dale Monroe, and welcome your comments, as they will most certainly help us to reach a final, informed decision.
We stand by our initial report as it cited a report initially published by the LA Times and picked up on the wire services by the MIT student newspaper, The Tech.
Here’s a .pdf of the hard-copy version.
“Just following orders” is no excuse, Mr. Troy Industries.
Read the case Idaho v. Horiuchi.
Assuming the facts alleged by the state, this is not a case where a law enforcement agent fired his weapon under a mis- taken belief that his fellow agents or members of the public were in immediate danger. Rather, a group of FBI agents for- mulated rules of engagement that permitted their colleagues to hide in the bushes and gun down men who posed no imme- diate threat.
Such wartime rules are patently unconstitutional for a
police action. As soon as the incident was over, the FBI dis-
owned the rules and disciplined the officers who approved
them. The incident led to a lengthy investigation by the DOJ
Office of Professional Responsibility; Congress itself con-
ducted extensive hearings and published a bipartisan report
that was highly critical of the FBI in general and Horiuchi in
particular.28 There is nothing run of the mill about this case,…After carefully reviewing the record, we cannot agree with the district court that Agent Horiuchi’s use of deadly force against Harris and, by extension, Mrs. Weaver, was objec- tively reasonable as a matter of law. Accordingly, Agent Horiuchi is not entitled to dismissal on the ground of Suprem- acy Clause immunity at this stage in the proceeding. On remand, the district court may conduct an evidentiary hearing to determine whether the evidence supports Agent Horiuchi’s entitlement to immunity under the legal principles applicable to the use of deadly force. We therefore REVERSE and REMAND with directions that the district court reinstate the criminal complaint and information and for further proceed- ings consistent with this opinion.
At 1:03:30 in the video at the link, Dale Monroe believes both shots were justified.
At 2:16:50 in the video, Dale Monroe says he would have taken the shot if he would had the ability to take an accurate shot at the time.
Mr. Troy, throughout this entire mess, you folks have been hiding and obfuscating. You deserve kudos for canning Mr. Weis in a timely manner, although your initial statement was less than clear.
Then the issue of Mr. Monroe popped up and you deleted his page from your website, then the entire instructor roster (who else are you hiding on the payroll over at Troy Assymetric?). You wait until the end of business then release a link to this video you claim exonerates your man.
You wrote, and I quote: ” it is indeed Ed Wenger who says he would have shot, had Special Agent Horiuchi not shot first.”
However, when we watch the video, Monroe says he believes both shots were justified and that he would have taken the shot if he’d been able to make an accurate shot.
Mr. Troy, you folks aren’t digging a hole.
You’re digging a well.
I was going to give away thirty brand new Troy mags as door prizes in my classes.
I’m re-evaluating that plan of action.
At the rate you’re going, I think they might make a better bonfire. The thought that I spent hundreds of dollars with a gun company that employs Lon Horiuchi’s partner from Ruby Ridge makes me physically nauseous.
Lon Horiuchi killed that woman holding a baby. In cold blood.
Your employee Dale Monroe said he would have taken the same shot and that it was justified.
You asked for input. Here it is: Dump Monroe.
Thank you Greg P. for bringing this to our attention.
This helps bring things into focus.
Steve Troy retired from the Massachusetts State Police.
West Springfield, MA (Outdoor Wire Jan 17, 2012) – Steve Troy, president and CEO of Troy® Industries Inc., and a full-time Massachusetts State Trooper, retired last week from the Massachusetts State Police department. Superintendent Colonel Marian McGovern stated: “Your exemplary performance has been noted through positive letters of recognition and appreciation, you can certainly be proud of your achievements here over the years, and your professionalism and integrity will be sorely missed”. Steve recently retired from the U.S. Air Force Space Command, with more than twenty-three years of honorable service.
Over the past nine years, Mr. Troy has not only served his community and state, but has also directed one of the fastest-growing companies in the northeast. With his background as a State Trooper, USF Security Forces Team Chief, Armorer, CQB Weapons Instructor, Sniper, EMT-Tactical, and Eagle Scout, he will now devote his time to expanding and diversifying Troy Industries into new markets, through continued growth and innovative through experience.
Troy put up an announcement on Facebook this evening.
They are sticking to their man.
I’ll cut and paste it for you:
The accusations that Mr. Monroe would have taken a shot at Vicki Weaver are false. His Congressional testimony affirms that had he a better vantage point, he was prepared to shoot at Kevin Harris, the armed combatant posing an immediate threat to him, his team, and everyone at the scene.
Tragedy lies in the fact that the shot intended for Kevin Harris reached its target, but also struck Vicki Weaver, positioned out of sight, behind a door. For the past 20 years, Mr. Monroe has shared his experiences across the country through many presentations and a television appearance. During these presentations, he explained the mistakes which led up to the tragedy and the valuable lessons learned from the event. While nothing can change what happened that day, Dale’s firsthand account imparts valuable tools to our nation’s law enforcement. I’m confident that his experience at that incident taught him more than the other countless successful missions he completed as an FBI HRT Operator.
It’s easy in an emotionally charged situation where a mother’s life has been taken, to lose sight of the facts. In our most trying times and failures we have an opportunity to rise above and distinguish ourselves to be people of character and honor. I know Dale Monroe to be such a man.
As a Troy Asymmetric instructor, he has the opportunity to prevent future tragedies like Ruby Ridge. We are proud to have him on our team.
-Steve Troy
Our rebuttal:
We’re not sure where Mr. Troy got the idea that some people were saying the other snipers would have shot Vicky Weaver, as she stood armed with an infant child as Lon Horiuchi did that day.
We certainly did not say Monroe would have shot Vicky Weaver.
We wrote of his testimony that he would have taken the same shot Horiuchi did if he had had it – a shot that courts have ruled was not justified.
We wrote of his testimony that he believed both shots taken by the scumbag Horiuchi were justified, when courts have held the shots were not justified.
There was no imminent risk of death or great bodily injury to any L.E.O. when Horiuchi fired in cold blood… or was it hot-blood? Was it anger over the shooting of the agent by the boy before two other agents shot him down in the back as he ran away.
Oh, what courage on the part of those agents! The boy, running for his life back to the cabin, gunned down by agents – shot repeatedly in the back. What great Americans, right?
Steve Troy, a retired Massachusetts State Police officer, is sticking by his guy. It’s his prerogative.
It’s my prerogative to spread news of his staunch support of a genuine, Grade A jack booted thug at his company as far and wide as I can in the world of gun owners so they may make an informed and educated decision on whether or not they want to help pay the salary of a JBT.
I’ll be burning some “battle mags” tomorrow in honor of his support of jack booted thugs.
I’d invite our readers to submit photos of what they are doing with their Troy Industries gear if they would like.
It’ll be fun.
Congrats, Troy.
You’re now the official company of the Jack Booted Thugs.
Enjoy it, buddy. You earned it.
Would not use their products if they were the best and free of charge. What would a Massachusetts trooper know about gun rights anyway?
Hiring anyone from the FBI elites says volumes.
Watch the slow fade to insolvency for these hacks.
I’m with you Seamus!
I saw a box full of Troy AR mags, brand new, for $5 each a while back and something in the back of my mind told me “there’s something about these.” Yes, and now you reminded me. Getting old sucks. How could I forget about this gun company that hires despicable human beings.
No, No NO! to Troy Industries. May they burn in hell… or Massachusetts.
Queue up that Beeber song… love yourself. Dedicate it to Troy.
Never thought their products were up to standard anyways. Now I know why.
Built by jack booted thugs for jack booted thugs?