Meet Dr. Patrick Hackett, a veterinarian in Tennessee. His name appears on the Terrorism Watch List, and it has caused him a lot of problems, even though the terrorist he shares a name with is missing and arm AND a leg.
Dr. Hackett is just another reason (of many) that using the terror watch list names to strip gun rights of Americans who share those names is un-American to say the least.

(Knoxville, TN News-Sentinel) – Dr. Patrick Stephen Hackett is a veterinarian — not a terrorist.
Try explaining that in the airport security line.
Hackett, a lifelong resident of the Knoxville-Oak Ridge area, was named Outstanding Practitioner of the Year in 1992 by the Tennessee Veterinary Medical Association. He serves as president of the Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley.
He’s on the no-fly list.
Hackett has never been arrested and never traveled to the Middle East or other centers of terrorist activity, but he found out more than a decade ago he’s on the federal watch list because he shares the same name as notorious Irish Republican Army terrorist Patrick Joseph Hackett, who was jailed in the 1970s for planting bombs in Britain.
The difference should be easy to spot. The terrorist is missing an arm and a leg — blown off when a bomb exploded prematurely — while the Knoxville veterinarian has all his limbs intact.
“I don’t know how I got on the list, and I don’t know how to get off the list,” Hackett said.
Since learning he was on the list, Hackett has been denied boarding on planes and even spent time in a foreign jail. He says that’s why he worries about the recent proposal by President Barack Obama to prevent those on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list from purchasing guns.
Hackett found out he was on the no-fly list in 2004 when he accompanied his son, who was attending the Air Force Academy, to McGhee Tyson Airport. He asked for a pass to allow him to accompany his son to the gate.
“They said I couldn’t go to the gate because I was on their list. They gave me a number to call,” he said.
Hackett said he filled out, signed and mailed forms to the TSA to try to straighten the situation out. About a year and a half later, he received a letter from the TSA offering him a “letter of duress” that he could present whenever he was questioned.
When Hackett subsequently used the letter to travel, gate attendants would mark his boarding pass. He would then be subjected to thorough and sometimes invasive searches before being allowed to board.
How many John Jones, Bill Brown, Mike Smith are there?
Meanwhile jihadists who should be on the terror list are protected by the Obama administration:
One by one everyone that owns a gun could be added to this mysterious list that jug ears has engineered.
I have tried to info my state rep about the problems with the list.
I don’t know if he understands or not.
The list is a Watch list and nothing else. Very few Americans are on the list and if an American is on the list its more than likely a mistake.
How many know that the man in charge of the NO fly list claims it shouldn’t be used for anything else.
Do a web search for Alan Bersin DHS.
I made the decision that I wasn’t going thru TSA some years back, so I don’t know if I am on “the list” or not…
Yes, if jug ears makes a terror watchlist that prevents gun ownership, it would be a simple matter to put everyone on said list.
Of course, it would be Civil War II, but Obama doesn’t care.
It’s looking more and more that he wants Civil War II. What better way to declare martial law and be king of the USA.
John Boch maybe the most important person in the state to stop HB4359 or similar bills because he can use his position to talk to the governor for a veto.
Here is why this bill is so bad. It is a list of names. People like the man in the article shares a name with another person but yet he is on the list.
My name is NOT common but over 40 people share my name in Illinois, including a state judge; 350 plus people share my name nation wide.
If a name like mine is added to the NO fly list and HB4359 is passed ALL of us get our FOID cards suspended and our guns confiscated.
It’s not people, it’s just names.
if you have the misfortune of sharing a name variant with someone else who is on the list, poof, it’s as good as you personally being on it (along with everyone else with a similar name).
It’s just names and aliases with little additional information.
I heard back from my state rep. today, she does not support this bill. Good for her Good for me. Good for America
If they do pass HB4359, there will be yet another law suit – and they will lose.
Guns Save Life vs. Lisa Madigan?
It would probably happen right in the middle of the next Senatorial campaign. Lisa’s daddy might not like that too much…
DM I don’t think a lawsuit will make a difference if HB4359 becomes law. Why, the government doesn’t obey the Constitution, plus changes in the law under DHS allows for terror watch list and anti-terror actions. That’s how they can stop people from flying. No judge, no jury, no fly and now if Obumer gets his way no gun.
The No Fly list is open ended, meaning anyone can be put on the list for any reason. The story above is the perfect example, no crime but yet guilty with NO chance of being proven innocent.
Under HB4359 the state police are required to confiscate guns without notice or redress. because you are considered a felon///terrorist. That means they kill your dog your wife and you while the media claims you were a terrorist on the NO FLY LIST!
Wake up people!!!!!!
Yea. This is the NEW America We gonna fight to keep it the way America should be lay down
Like sheeple. And let them do it ???