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Yes, the Chicago Sun-Times’ Mary Mitchell – affectionately referred to as “Mope-rah” for her love of criminals – wants the police to violate civil rights to stop violence.

Not even one of the 1,400 on the watch list should be able to take a breath of air without a police officer seeing it.

In fact, the Chicago Police Department should have as much intel on these individuals as FBI officials have on ISIS sympathizers.

Will some of these officers run afoul of civil liberties? Probably.

But I’d rather see the city defending an aggressive policing strategy than to see more innocent victims of gun violence.

Now, ignore the fact that it might take a dozen or more people to maintain surveillance on a single person.  Translation:  the Chicago Police Department doesn’t have nearly enough people to maintain surveillance on these 1400 mopes.

Ignore that this clueless Reporterette couldn’t be bothered to file a criminal complaint against “urban youths” who stole her car.  “They were just ‘over-exuberant'”.

But now she’s asking us to have the police trample Americans’ civil rights in the name of safety and security?  Here’s how she set up her “ask” for police to violate civil rights of civilians:

If police officials had the names of 1,400 ISIS terrorists whom they were convinced would attack people in the Chicago area, what do you expect to happen?

Very few people would argue that police should round up all 1,400 individuals and lock them up. But most people wouldn’t want these terrorists roaming the streets until they were caught attempting to kill people, either.

I don’t care what your political views are, no one wants another massacre like the one in Orlando, Florida, where a lone gunman killed 49 people at a gay nightclub.

“Lone gunman”?  How about a Muslim terrorist, you vapid twit?

In the aftermath of the Orlando horror, questions are being raised about the effectiveness of the security policies in place.

She calls the Orlando Muslim terror attack simply a “horror”?

She’s got it right that Americans are asking questions about security policies!  You bet!  Like the state law that made it illegal for sober, card-carrying good guys to carry their guns at that location.

Thinking people know that “NO GUNS” zones are nothing but a dinner bell to wackos, criminals – and Muslim terrorists.

It is wrong to profile people based on race, ethnicity, gender or mental disabilities. But it is reasonable to expect that when someone ends up on a “watch list,” that person shouldn’t be able to walk into a gun shop and buy a murder machine.

“It is wrong to profile, BUT…”

Police here have a “strategic subject” list with the names of about 1,400 people who are allegedly driving the city’s homicides.

Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson brought up the “strategic subject” list during his remarks Monday at the City Club of Chicago where he joined Cleopatra Pendleton, the Rev. Michael Pfleger and Kim Foxx, Democratic candidate for Cook County State’s Attorney, on a panel about the city’s homicides.

According to Johnson, 80 percent of the 66 people shot over the recent Memorial Day weekend were on the list. And 100 percent of the offenders were also on the list.

“That tells you right there that we have identified the people most likely to engage in this activity, but what do we do about it?” Johnson asked rhetorically.

Mope-rah doesn’t blame the catch and release criminal justice system that’s let these 1400 Grade A felons back out of the street after serving days or weeks in jail on convictions for serious violent crimes.  In Florida, these same crimes with guns would put these same 1400 a-holes in prison for a generation or more — and that’s why Florida has the lowest rate of firearm violent crime in that state’s history!

No, Mope-rah wants the police to violate civilians’ civil rights.

So no doubt she can decry those violations in future columns.

What a sad little would-be fascist hack.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

-Benjamin Franklin

5 thoughts on “CAN YOU SPELL HYPOCRITE? MSM reporter wants police to violate civil rights to stop “gun violence””
  1. Ms. mitchell, I have a much simpler solution for you. Stop importing the damn terrorists!

    Japan has zero problems with Islamic terrorism. I’ll give you one guess why.

  2. Little would-be fascist hack is right.

    Leftist kooks are always eager to violate others’ rights while jealously guarding their own. How kind of them, right?

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