
Like guns, gasoline represents freedom

Gun ownership represents freedom from both oppression and bullies as well as independence.  If you own a gun and know how to use it, you’re a free person. If you own guns, people have to convince you do things. They can’t intimidate you with threats of unlawful force.  You don't…

The Judge as a *backup* gun in Chicago

[Editor:  We all know Chicago is bad.  Especially the south and west sides.  But when my friend said he packed a Taurus Judge as his BACKUP gun in Chicago, I did a double-take.  Whoa.  A Judge for a backup gun?  Wow.  I knew there had to be one heckuva story…

STREISAND EFFECT: Angry gun control harpies whine about junior football league fundraiser featuring an AR-15, turn a local raffle into a national event

North Carolina’s East Henderson Youth Football and Cheerleading League (EHYFC) poked a woke hornet's next by offering an AR-15 as the grand prize in a fundraiser for kids sports.  Unsurprisingly, some easily-offended types turned their ire on the EHYFC for such an "insensitive" and "deplorable" choice of prizes. But not…