
CHICAGO’S GONNA BURN: Chicago’s Mayor hints he will side with lawbreaking Antifa ‘peaceful protesters’ during DNC convention over law-and-order in weekend comments

What the difference between the 1968 Democratic National Convention and the coming 2024 DNC event?  Well, in 1968 the mayor was on the side of law-and-order.  Today, the mayor sides with Antifa and so-called "pro-Palestinian" protesters. And comments this past weekend from Mayor Let's Go Brandon further illuminate the difference…


As though Americans, and Illinoisans, needed another reason to practice their “ABCs” - otherwise know as “Always Be Carrying” - the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Iran provides it. Not because Iran is going to invade downtown Chicago, but because of terrorist sleeper agents embedded in our…

Make Malfunction Clearing second-nature by practicing it regularly

Back thirty years ago, semi-auto handguns were just starting to become popular.  Manufacturers have worked out the kinks with double-stack magazines for the most part.  Reliability kept improving as did form factors and trigger quality. Today, everyone loves semi-auto pistols, particularly for self-defense applications.  Greater carry capacity and less complicated…