
Apartment complex gun ban proposal shot down in flames

[caption id="attachment_8702" align="alignnone" width="620"] Art Dorsch said he’ll either have to give up his guns or move out of his apartment. (Image source: KUSA-TV)[/caption] Well, that didn't last long. A bunch of anti-gun leftists efforts to make their public housing complex "gun free" ran smack dab into the Constitution as…

The face of MAIG Mayors: San Diego’s Filthy Filner

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has a little problem.  A lot of them actually.  Mostly about their members and their illegal activities. Their latest member to find himself in the national public limelight for shameful and/or criminal activity is San Diego's Bob Filner. One wonders if we would find kiddie porn…

PLAINTIFFS WANTED… Chicago’s now illegal gun control ordinance

[caption id="attachment_8677" align="alignnone" width="512"] Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's man in Springfield.[/caption] The Chicago City Council rushed through modifications of their "gun control" ordinance.  Among the changes, is a "student safety zones" penalty enhancement for possessing a gun while in one of these zones and the other deals with so-called "evil"…

KUBICEK: al qaeda decimated?

  If al qaeda is on the run because they've been decimated, then why is America closing a slew of embassies in the world and pulling back?  It looks more as though America is on the run under Barack Obama's administration.  His "smart" diplomacy has been nothing but an unmitigated…