
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Deputize the tourists

[caption id="attachment_8615" align="alignnone" width="580"] Gary Martin, of Ontario, Canada, stands at the spot where he tackled a purse-snatcher on Michigan Avenue. (Phil Velasquez / Chicago Tribune / August 1, 2013)[/caption] It would seem that Chicago's sheeple are unable or unwilling to step up and get involved to put a stop…

Geco .38 Special: Not so hot stuff.

  So, as GSL Defense Training has a lot of classes, we run across a few students who are unable to find ammo in time for classes. Reluctantly, we've started picking up ammunition for students to buy at our cost so they may successfully complete our classes. A while back…

DOUBLE DOWN ON STUPID: Chicago gang summit proposed.

From the file of "Oh, that'll work!   NOT!": Chicago (Sun-Times*) - Hundreds of gang members will be invited to a summit in Chicago in an attempt to broker peace in the bloodiest neighborhoods — 20 years after “gang summits” here and in other states drew national attention, organizers said Wednesday.…

Happy endings… News roundup!

Waffle House robber meets armed citizen I mean, who would go to Waffle House at two in the morning without a gun? Atlanta (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) - A 20-year-old attempting to rob a Waffle House pointed his gun at the wrong people early Monday, police say. A police officer and…