

  Scoundrels. The only thing needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.     Anonymous thugs Mistaken identity brings threats to Pastor Zimmermann (USA Today) - George A. Zimmermann, a retired pastor in Florida, has received death threats meant for the man acquitted in the…

Buckeye Firearms Association under cyber attack

Like our brothers and sisters at Buckeye Firearms, we find it more than "coincidental" that they have found themselves under cyber attack after announcing their plan to buy George Zimmerman a replacement gun. Here's the email they sent out not long ago: BFA is under attack from an unknown outside…

Welcome to Chicago: Magnificent Mile now the Muggers’ Mile

[caption id="attachment_8487" align="alignnone" width="480"] The Guardian Angels in Toledo, OH.[/caption] The irony is rich. The Guardian Angels are now patrolling Chicago's Magnificent Mile. The Guardian Angels. The people who got their start patrolling the violence-laden New York City Subways in the 1970s.  The people who patrol low-income, high-crime neighborhoods in…

Bloomberg’s MAIG members leaving in droves

We're really sad to hear this news. And did they mention that mayor in California that has the sex problem with his city's staffers?  Yeah, San Diego Mayor Filner...   (Buzzfeed) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is finding it hard to keep…