
Stand your ground: Who benefits most? The answer might surprise you.

[caption id="attachment_8457" align="alignnone" width="490"] Marissa Alexander.[/caption]   (Daily Caller) - African Americans benefit from Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law at a rate far out of proportion to their presence in the state’s population, despite an assertion by Attorney General Eric Holder that repealing “Stand Your Ground” would help African…

Chicagoland rush to ban guns…

It's a mess up in Chicagoland. Some of the suburbs have considered gun bans.  A couple of ignored overwhelming opposition of those turned out and gone ahead an passed sweeping gun bans - bans not likely to stand up to an court challenge. They haven't learned from the City of…

ACTION ALERT: Urgent for suburban Chicagoland gun owners

From NRA-ILA moments ago... Illinois Update: Multiple Localities Attempting to Enact Semi-Auto Bans before July 19th Deadline Since enactment of the state concealed carry legislation, House Bill 183, Illinois localities have been attempting to pass so-called “assault weapon” bans.  House Bill 183 contains comprehensive preemption of handgun-related local ordinances for…