

  Call.  Call.  Call. Email. Email.  Email. And call again after lunch. Call your Senator and the following three Illinois Senators in addition to your own.  Yeah, it's going to take five minutes of your day, but if you want law-abiding Illinois residents to be able to protect themselves without…

USRA’s Introduction to Defensive Handgun AAR

United States Rifleman’s Association INTRODUCTION TO DEFENSIVE HANDGUN   USRA’s Intro to Defensive Handgun course is an intensive one-day course which introduces skills necessary for the safe and effective use of a handgun for personal defense. For those looking to get the training necessary to obtain an Florida (or someday,…

54 out of 64!

There's a story over at about the sheriffs in Colorado, who don't like the new Colorado gun laws.  The VAST MAJORITY of sheriffs in Colorado - 54 out of 64 - have filed a lawsuit challenging the regulations as unconstitutional.  Let's hope they have some success.  Sounds a lot…

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: What’s going on in Springfield?

  [caption id="attachment_7594" align="alignnone" width="600"] GSL President John Boch.[/caption] by John Boch President, Guns Save Life After weeks of watching Illinois Democrat House Speaker Michael Madigan play the political games he’s famous for, we are no closer to a good carry bill today than we were on the first day…

Testimonial: Your calls work

  In case you ever wondered if we're just blowing smoke when we ask you to call... State Senator Chapin Rose Representing the 51st District of Illinois May 17, 2013 The Illinois Senate adjourned without acting on Senator Kwame Raoul’s House Bill 183. As I wrote earlier today, we expected…