
KUBICEK: Power corrupts…

Thought For The Day - Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely by Fred Kubicek Good Morning Everyone, The Justice Department is not tyranny - The Justice Department trampling on 1st Amendment rights is tyranny! The Internal Revenue Service is not tyranny - The Internal Revenue Service using it's power for…

Brave New World

  Two rounds. Two rounds, that is, more than is legally allowed now in New York State. If this guy had seven rounds instead of nine in his magazine, that burned out license plate bulb wouldn't have burned him. Don't you just feel safer now? Here's the story, from the…

Open carry arrest in Ohio nets $3.6M lawsuit

  ... that's gonna leave a mark. Cliff's Notes:  Guy open carries at zero-dark-thirty to a stop and rob.  Someone notices and calls five-oh. The po-po roll up like it's a sighting of one of the islamic terrorist bombers from Boston and cuff and stuff the open carrier. Mr. Open…