
Win the argument, win the vote

  One way to influence legislators and win Second  Amendment votes is to not wait until the last minute. This is what a poster named Bullet found, and he's posted a nice piece on the publically accessible part of the Appleseed Forum called The Second Amendment:  How We Win the…

IL FOID-card processing delays continue

Illinois State Police are woefully behind on processing Firearms Owners Identification cards, required by the state for its residents to possess firearms or ammunition. While the cards are good for ten years, processing times last we knew were between sixty and ninety days in most cases. The law mandates the…

DEFCAD LIBERATOR TAKE-DOWN: Horse is already out of the barn

[caption id="attachment_7502" align="alignnone" width="600"] They can "claim" all they want. The information is in the public domain.[/caption]   Too late, fellas. It's out. Specifically, it can be had from The Pirate Bay HERE, HERE and HERE. State Department Demands Takedown Of 3D-Printable Gun Files For Possible Export Control Violations The…

30 days to go…

[caption id="attachment_7492" align="alignnone" width="400"] 30 day countdown...[/caption]   30 days to go until Illinois gets unregulated carry! It's not really Constitutional Carry, which four states enjoy and another (Arkansas) will have later this summer, because local home-rule government units can place restrictions (albeit, probably unconstitutional) and may try to make…

They’re gonna need a new monkey…

Sort of like how anti-gun leftists are going to need a new paradigm to attack gun rights after the story broke yesterday of the 39% drop in firearm-related crimes since 1993, thanks in large part to the spread of right-to-carry across the nation with the exception of the State of…