
Anti-gunners working on waking the (firebreathing) dragon

Barry Snell, a senior at the Iowa State University, has penned a magnificent piece published at ISU student newspaper.  The quality and content of the piece eclipses that of most national mainstream media opinion writers. In the piece, he suggests that continued media and political hyperbole and name-calling will solve…

Common Sense Controls

Thanks to Ron Gore for sending this in. One of the things that is being learned from the Boston bombing is that pressure-cookers have become the container of choice for bomb makers. At long last, who now can argue with the common sense logic that if there were no pressure-cookers,…

GSL Interview at

GSL's John Naese was interviewed by about the recent vote in the US Senate. Here's the blurb from Guns Save Life has been featured in this article on LAWS.COM. Read all about the fight to protect our Second Amendment right, along with an interview with our John Naese!

More money for gun confiscations in California

[caption id="attachment_7371" align="alignnone" width="600"] California Gov. Jerry Brown speaks at a news conference in Sacramento, Calif., Wednesday, April 24, 2013. The Democratic governor wants to give school districts more control of the money they receive from the state and provide poorer districts with a larger share of state aid. Brown…

GSL’s Peoria region inaugural meeting: Thursday, May 2nd

Please welcome our fourth monthly meeting location:  Peoria! Guns Save Life Peoria Meeting First Thursday of the month Knights of Columbus Spalding Council 427 7403 N. Radnor Road Peoria, IL  61615 Dinner and Conversation at 5:30. Meeting Business at 7:00. Contact:  Steve Schnurbusch at steve_schnurbusch (at) hotmail dot com

CHAMPAIGN COUNTY: Watch out! Berkeley, CA-based company seeks to bring liberal criminal justice policies to Champaign County

Central Illinois residents, particularly those in Champaign County, watch out! The Democratically-controlled Champaign County Board spent $120,000 to hire  a Berkeley, CA-based criminal justice consulting firm to make recommendations for changes to Champaign County's criminal justice system. Translation:  The Berkeley-based company is recommending bringing "alternative" criminal justice policies to the…

The seven-round hypocrisy in New York State

  While New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Michael Bloomberg enjoy professionally-trained security teams with standard-capacity magazines, everyday American citizens in that state are limited to an arbitrary seven-rounds in their magazines. Seven rounds. That's not even four double-taps. Why is this significant to the safety of NY families?…