
A profile of Chicago, Murder City USA

  [caption id="attachment_7249" align="alignnone" width="580"] Photo courtesy Chicago Tribune.[/caption] Got a profile for you of Murder City, USA -- otherwise known as Chicago. It's the city whose elected officials are largely responsible for denying right-t0-carry to all of Illinois' residents. (NY Times) - Meter parking costing more than anywhere else…

Taxpayer-funded islamic jihad in Boston

    The Boston Herald nailed it, as did Drudge (above).   Not only was this scumbag on welfare, he and his little brother were on the way to New York City to "party" following the attack last Monday. No doubt to spend his unearned welfare cash on strippers. Karl…

JOHN BOCH: Is gun training a liability in court?

by John Boch Are you worried that training or competition experience will be used against you following a personal defense shooting incident? If so, you’re not alone. The concern often voiced is that a prosecuting attorney or a less-than-scrupulous trial attorney will cast your training and/or competition experience as honing…

Support for gun control measures continues to plummet

  Support for gun control is plummeting from the post-Sandy Hook attack hysteria. And the inverse is also true:  A growing number of Americans are embracing guns for their families for protection as evidenced by Americans going to gun shows ("Gun Shows Across the Nation Draw Record Crowds") and stripping…