
32 guns per minute

  Under Barack Hussein Obama, Americans are buying 32 guns each and every minute. We imagine that this past three months have seen half again more than that. And we've been busy buying ourselves to replace those guns we lost in those tragic boating accidents. We strongly recommend all of…

FRANK SHARPE: A call for common sense knife control.

by Frank Sharpe The following statement is issued by the Society Against Reason, Comprehension And Sound Minds: Today at Lone Star College's CyFair campus in Cypress, Texas, a white male went on a stabbing spree leaving 14 injured. The attacker was armed with a military-style knife, also known as the…

Assault knife used in Stabbing

Courtesy of the Drudge Report, There has been an illegal stabbing (as opposed to a legal one) in Texas. The crazed knife wielding lunatic decided to use an "assault knife" to injure innocent victims.. HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Multiple victims have been injured in a stabbing attack on the Lone Star…

Legislative update: Nationally and in Illinois…

by John Boch (Guns Save Life) - Good news for freedom lovers across our increasingly tattered nation! It's been a rough few days for the leftist, freedom eschewing gun grabbers out there, both at the national level, and here at home in Illinois. Everywhere they turn, they are stymied with…

Solution to criminal violence? End gun control.

One of our commenters named Jack posted an excellent response to Peter Tomaras' Gun Control Reality Check epistle. Here is the REAL solution: end gun control. Follow the constitution, as most states did prior to 1968 and the federal government did prior to 1934. NO INFRINGEMENT. Why not give freedom…

Rockford, IL anti-gun rally turns out… 7?

The leftist gun haters called for a rally in front of Dick's Sporting Goods Store in Rockford, IL on Sunday, April 7th. The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence put the word out to all of their fans, members and supporters, and did the same with theirs. In the end,…

PETER TOMARAS: Gun control reality check

By Peter Tomaras (A version of appeared in the News-Gazette.  Reprinted here with permission of author.) The gun control debate needs a reality check, and I will provide it, aware that those hostile to firearms do not welcome rational viewpoints. This is because people who fear, hate, or simply do…