
Anti-gun bills may return before next Wednesday

Summary The anti-gun bills have been put on "Postponed Consideration", meaning they aren't being actively considered, but can be brought back anytime before the end of this session. The latest information suggests the bad guys may try another run at this, sensing they are so close.  Continue to make calls…

The bills UPDATED

  House Bill 815  UPDATE:  Amendment in question House Bill 1263 UPDATE:  A whole slew of Amendments for 1263 These are the two bills to watch for now. Ignore current contents and keep your eye on Amendments as they come online. John

Does Drywall Stop Bullets?

[caption id="attachment_3163" align="alignnone" width="560"] The drywall test panel used in this story.[/caption] Tech Time by  Herb Schildt For years I have wanted to know if normal drywall (as used in houses) would stop various caliber bullets.  This is an important question because it affects how one judges and responds to…