
Home Invasion at Richard Klein’s residence

It happened to me! A Home Invasion, Freezing Rain, and Other Rude Awakenings by Richard E. Klein and John Boch Part I:  Rude awakenings In our society, the matter of dealing with a home invasion is, for many, pretty removed from our daily concerns. Recently my world and all its…

FoxSports hack blames 2nd Amendment, not KC Chiefs killer

[caption id="attachment_3726" align="alignnone" width="625"] Meet Jason Whitlock, rocket scientist extraordinaire.  One can only speculate if he was researching his latest article in this photo, "covering sports from every angle" as it says in his bio at FoxSports.[/caption] FoxSports, the network that won't accept firearms-related advertisements for UFC events, once again…

Don’t support Wounded Warrior Project

  This editorial by GunTalk radio host Tom Gresham is reprinted here with permission: by Tom Gresham Does the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) have a bias against guns and gun makers? Two weeks ago that would have sounded crazy, but this week many shooters are convinced that it’s true. Hundreds of hunts…

Is Self Defense the ‘Christian’ Thing to Do?

[caption id="attachment_3713" align="alignnone" width="742"] Roman sword hilt.[/caption] by Jordan Whitaker (Bio) (Guns Save Life) - For some people the question of self-defense, especially with deadly force, raises troubling moral and religious issues.  As a Southern Baptist pastor and former US Army infantryman, I have fielded many such concerns from church…

Welcome our newest contributor, Pastor Jordan Whitaker

[caption id="attachment_3706" align="alignnone" width="478"] Pastor Jordan Whitaker.[/caption]   Please welcome Jordan Whitaker as our latest contributor to the GSL blog and GunNews. Here's a short bio on him: I am a 30 year old father of three from across the river in Missouri. Since leaving military service (US Army Infantry)…

Chicago Isn’t Safe: Six dead overnight, many more wounded

Welcome to the Windy City, USA, home of Illinois' most stringent gun control.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in Chicago handguns are effectively banned and long guns are heavily restricted.  Only the affluent are able to navigate the onerous and expensive process to register them after attending expensive safety-training classes, rendering…

How to get your Curio & Relics License

[caption id="attachment_3565" align="alignnone" width="600"] Get YOUR C&R License![/caption] (Gun Save Life) - Guns Save Life is encouraging its members to sign up for a Curios and Relics Federal Firearms License.  Unlike the retail gun dealer federal licenses, the C&R license is easy and inexpensive to get and it doesn’t have…