
Buying a quality (pre-owned) revolver

  Used wheelguns, especially ones manufactured by top-of-the-line American manufacturers such as Smith & Wesson, Colt, Dan Wesson and Ruger (and a handful of others) can make wonderful home defense or carry guns, often at affordable prices. While the days of $129 police trade-in Smith and Wesson revolvers is largely…

Little girls with a rope (Chicago style)

We all know Superintendent McCarthy’s valiant efforts to curb violent crime in Chicago have been less than successful. Today they hit a new low in the Windy City – Fox Chicago reports a group of teenage girls took a cab ride only to threaten the driver with a knife and attempt…

On school shootings and gun bans

by Jim Butler President, Sangamon County Rifle Association Time and time again we see mass murder occur in “gun-free” zones against unarmed and helpless victims. The senseless, horrific and cowardly attack in Newtown, CT against innocent children defies imagination and we offer our sincere and heartfelt compassion to the victims…

Young Americans plan to purchase firearms…

Poor Brady Campaign. News came out today that almost two-thirds to today's high school and college-age young people fully intend to purchase guns at a later stage in life. Why not? After all, guns are hip.  Guns are cool! And guns save life! Young Americans plan to purchase firearms, study…