
Cheaper than Dirt: Price Gouging Extraordinaires

Under free enterprise, Cheaper than Dirt has every right to charge what they want for their products. And we have every right to advertise their price gouging to Americans, so they may make an informed decision about doing business with that company in the future. $100 for a USED milspec…

Rahm: Hypocrite extraordinaire on guns in schools

[caption id="attachment_4300" align="alignnone" width="392"] Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He's got an armed cop at HIS kid's school, but mocks efforts to put someone armed in YOUR kid's school.[/caption]   Chicago's little ballerina Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, recently took a cheap shot at the NRA's recent call for ending "gun-free zones" in…

The Racism and The Geography of Gun Control

Robert Farago at The Truth About guns writes an excellent piece about the racism inherent in gun control schemes.  It's a great piece. We're reprinting excerpts here and encourage you to read the whole thing.  It's just that good. “A House Democrat is pushing a package of gun reforms that…

Guns are only half of the answer

by Bonnie Garrett Former Guns Save Life Corporate Secretary I don't know about anyone else, but I was rather annoyed that the NRA appeared to be paralyzed after the recent massacre in Newtown.  If they've since found their voice, it hasn't been loud enough for me to hear it, much…