
NICS crashes due to volume on Black Friday

Signs are everywhere as to the mood of everyday Americans when it comes to guns. Ammo and guns are flying off store shelves at literally record-making rates. It's so bad that the National Instant Check System, the FBI-administered government agency tasked with handling the gun purchaser background checks, suffered volume-related…

Imagine that: Kansas permit holders well-behaved

Unlike the kiddie-porn *1* *2* and corruption-loving *many* Mayors Against Illegal Guns, headed by the nation's nanny mayor Bloomberg and consisting solely of elected officials (specifically mayors), everyday gun owners who get a license to exercise their Second Amendment rights are extraordinarily well-behaved. It's not rocket science, or even news…

Tannerite: Stupid people seek legislation to fix stupid

[caption id="attachment_3625" align="alignnone" width="640"] Tannerite.[/caption] Tannerite has been making grown men giggle like little schoolgirls for close to ten years now. What is Tannerite? Tannerite is a binary reactive target system, where the user will mix the white "Tannerite" target mix with the activator to create a stable explosive that…

Gun shop employee shoots (former) customer

[caption id="attachment_3614" align="alignnone" width="400"] A medevac chopper lands outside a gun shop where an employee shot a customer.  Photo by Silver City Sun News.[/caption] by Frank Sharpe Fortress Defense Consultants It's being reported that this past Tuesday a New Mexico gun shop employee accidentally shot a customer in the back…

HELP WANTED at Guns Save Life

Want to do more for the cause?  Want to build your resume or job experience?  Looking for a new hobby? Guns Save Life is growing and we are looking for a few volunteers who are passionate about the Second Amendment and who want to help make a real difference in…

Nifty: Bullet-resistant armor for your iPAD.

[caption id="attachment_3544" align="alignnone" width="600"] It might look as though this was a failure, but in reality, the cover stopped both 9mm and .357 Mag slugs.Photos by[/caption]   Okay, it's technically "for" your iPAD in the sense that it's incorporated into the iPADs cover. The armor is for you, not…