
ICHV in Champaign: Perfecting the art of irrelevancy

  Greetings from Nicole Anderson-Cobb, PhD, ICHV Outreach Coordinator: With commentary from yours truly, non-ivory-tower non-PhD. 1.  Thanks to all who came out to the "Silent Nights: Contemplating Peace" program last night.  It was a WONDERFUL opportunity to remember, share, explore the real challenges of gun violence in our society…

Responsible for murder

Whenever there is a tragedy involving a gun, gun owners have been vilified as extremists.  Questions are asked. Why do these people need military style weapons? Why do they need guns that fire so many bullets? What are these wackos afraid of? The answers are simple, the responsible parties for…

Picollo nails it: The rush to arm up

[caption id="attachment_4216" align="alignnone" width="640"] Picollo and his Seeing Eye Cat.[/caption] Picollo, the fellow in Pennsylvania many of us know as the guy who had the Seeing Eye Cat stories, offered up an interesting blog entry that nailed it on several levels. I report excerpts here for your edification. Check 'em…

Words Have Meaning

  Why Are You Losing Your Freedoms? The Semantics of Manipulation by John Ross Semantics: the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development What is wrong with Conservatives and supporters of the Second-Amendment? Why, in…

Latest issue of GUNNEWS is now up!

Introducing this month's covergirl, Heather B.! You can download and read GunNews here. GunNews is the monthly journal of Guns Save Life.  It's composition and layout is an all-volunteer endeavor. If you would like GunNews delivered to your mailbox each month, you can join Guns Save Life here!