
Otis McDonald celebrates the latest landmark decision

[caption id="attachment_3953" align="alignnone" width="598"] Otis McDonald.[/caption]   Otis is celebrating along with the rest of us. He's a great, and kind man.  I've met him myself.  One of my prized possessions is the cover page of the decision in the landmark case McDonald v. Chicago signed by Mr. McDonald himself.…

Every graph tells a story

[caption id="attachment_3947" align="alignnone" width="640"] Even Stevie Wonder can see the correlation in this graph.Image courtesy No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money.[/caption]   by John Boch (Guns Save Life) - Lee Goodman of the "Stop Concealed Carry Coalition" in Illinois claims carry laws escalate violence.  He also claims gun rights…

Hypocrite Rahm whines over civil rights decision

[caption id="attachment_3941" align="alignnone" width="553"] Mayor Emanuel whines over Tuesday's decision granting Illinois residents the same civil rights that residents in 49 other states enjoy to make our families safer.[/caption]   Wetting his bed apparently makes Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was particularly irritable the following day. On Wednesday, the day after…

Florida nears the 1 millionth active carry permit

[caption id="attachment_3933" align="alignnone" width="627"] Families are safer in states with right to carry![/caption]   Reminds me I need to get my significant other her Florida permit! Congrats to Florida. That's roughly $110 million bucks that's flowed into Florida these past few years in licensing fees.  And there's no blood in…

Race baiting at the Pantagraph?

 This morning I was reviewing the Pantagraph website. Not because they are very informative or interesting,  I wanted to see how the recent court ruling regarding CCW  in Illinois would be reported.. Imagine my surprise when I saw the following next to the article  talking about the court’s decision.. "By…