
David exposes Goliath

  David exposes Goliath By John Boch When I was in school, I was taught that newspaper reporters and editors were wise and learned individuals to be respected.  They were experts at the use of the English language and generally unbiased and unemotional in their reporting of the news.  Today,…

Armed American: Happy ending to armed robbery

  [caption id="attachment_2451" align="alignnone" width="600"] A young man tried to rob Club Billiards owner Steve Yager outside his business Monday morning, Oct. 2, 2012, saying he had a gun. Yager said, "I do, too," and pointed his Smith and Wesson snub nose .38 special at the kid's head. The lad…

Democrats taking fallout from war on gun owners

Days of our Trailers has a withering attack on the civil-rights hating Democratic hack Marty Moylan.  He's going to try and ban '50 cal machine guns' in Illinois. Wait.  They're already banned in this state.  What is he talking about then?  Oh right. He's talking about semi-auto firearms like the…

Paul Vallandigham – A life remembered

[caption id="attachment_2421" align="alignnone" width="915"] Paul with John Naese (left) at Guns Save Life's 16th birthday celebration.[/caption] by John Naese Paul Vallandigham was an officer and director of Guns Save Life, but he was more than that – he was one of the original founding members.  The first meeting of what…

GSL Director Paul Vallandigham passes away.

[caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="284"] Paul Vallandigham.[/caption] by John Boch It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Paul H. Vallandigham, a long-time gun rights giant in Illinois. Mr. Vallandigham was a life member of the NRA, a former director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, as well…

“Common sense gun control” explained at last

  Redress Information & Analysis (no, we're not going to link to them and drive traffic to them) proudly and robustly proclaims it exposes "injustice, disinformation and bigotry". Like many things on the internet, just because you claim it doesn't make it true. In a recent hit piece on civil…