
Romney’s latest on guns…

The Daily Caller has a great interview by the NRA's Chris Cox with Mitt Romney. We thought we'd share a couple of questions with you. Yes, we know Romney has signed anti-gun legislation in the past.  Yes, we know Romney is a long way from perfect. Anyway, here is and…


This is a photograph of the deceased U.S. Ambassador to Libya, killed when Islamist gunman attacked a consulate.  Also yesterday, the U.S. Embassy in Egypt was attacked, a provocation in and of itself. C'mon Mr. President.  The killing of an American Ambassador is an act of war.

The Racist Roots of Gun Control

Gun control in America, and in many other nations as well, has long had a racist component to it. Keeping "undesirables" from owning, possessing and using firearms has long been the goal of gun control proponents both then and now. Some don't even bother with "dog whistle" comments exposing their…

ANOTHER “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” Mayor Arrested…

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="403"] Trenton's Mayor in the company of the FBI, while wearing bracelets.Photo courtesy News One.[/caption] Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" has added yet another member's arrest to their impressive list of gun ban advocates getting themselves arrested and/or convicted of felonies while in office. While…

Five reasons to carry full-capacity magazines

Life is too precious to run out of bullets! by Rabbi Dovid Bendory (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership) - Minutes before lunatic Jared Loughner began his mayhem in Arizona, the issue of a Federal high capacity ammunition magazine ban was a complete political non-starter.  Obama didn’t go near…

Results of Chicago paying tribute to thugs…

Works about as well as gun control... Paying tribute to thugs to ‘prevent’ crime nets us this gem... (GunNews) - Ceasefire Illinois got a million dollars from the City of Chicago earlier this summer to hire ex-convicts to "mediate" disputes between violent criminals and to "prevent" crime. It's true.  This…