
Good people across America are stepping up to show support for police officers, particularly after recent attacks on police by America’s criminal class and lunatics.  The assassinations of police officers in a host of cities, and the multiple-victim attacks in Dallas and Baton Rouge have galvanized everyday Americans into action.

People are putting out blue porch lights to proudly show their support for law enforcement to passersby.  Others are putting a strip of blue painter’s tape across their rear window.


In Champaign County, Illinois, a couple has formed a “Police Support Association”.

Inspired by the community support in Dallas following the murder of five officers, a local couple is launching a new support group for the men and women in blue.psa

They say someone had to do something to show officers they are not alone.

Urbana police sergeant Matt Rivers was one of several local officers that attended the funeral services of the five slain police officers in Dallas. He also attended the services of two NYPD officers gunned down in 2015.

Rivers says the tragedy of these deaths was overwhelming.

“When he got back from Dallas we kind of looked at each other and said, ‘okay enough is enough we need to do something,’” Sgt. Rivers’ wife, Christy, said.

The couple launched the Champaign County Police Support Association.

Their goal is to enhance police and community relations as well as provide material, emotional, and emergency support for officers.

“It’s been a little overwhelming by how many people want to be involved,” she said.

The Police Support Association is brand new and they are forming up for those who would like to become involved.  They welcome lay persons as well as law enforcement families.  The can be found at Facebook and on their website.

Membership is free.

Several members of the Guns Save Life board of directors attended the inaugural meeting Sunday and in general liked what we heard.   We also expressed to them our support for their mission and a willingness to explore a partnership at some level.

Several officers present expressed their gratitude for the general public’s words and kind support in recent months.  One of the officers said, “I’d rather have a high-five from a kid than a $100 bill in my pocket.”

Another said, in response to good people in the community who support them:  “We know you’re out there and we appreciate it.”

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