BREAKING: Illinois Supreme Kangaroo Court vacates Macon County ruling striking down PICA gun ban, Enforcement starts NOW!
This morning, the Illinois Supreme Court released their final decision in the state's appeal of a Macon County ruling striking down Pritzker's "Protect Illinois Communities Act" gun ban. Earlier, a Macon County judge ruled the act unconstitutional on its face, a ruling that the Governor and Attorney General largely ignored…
BREAKING: IL Supreme Court to release their decision on Pritzker’s Illinois Gun Ban Friday at 9am.
Got standard capacity magazines, or "banned" guns in your car or elsewhere they're not supposed to be under Pritzker's new gun ban law? Better have them at home snuggled in nice and tight after 9am tomorrow. Ditto for any private gun transfers you're still doing under the terms of the…
IT HAPPENED TO ME! Good guy exonerated after righteous shooting in viral video… His first-hand account [VIDEO]
Remember the story of the big bully who mastered unassisted human flight after picking on the wrong guy last month? The victim in this incident contacted us. Well, his name's Jack and here's his story. It all began with an email: First off I would like to say I’m not…
SOUND THE ALARM: Legal Insurrection in progress (but don’t give up hope!)
Legal insurrection is more than a very good blog on the Internet. It’s what happens when inferior court judges ignore or subvert the rule of law and/or legal precedent handed down from their superiors. What’s more, it’s happening right now in far too many federal and state courts. Judges are…
WELCOME HOME: GSL’s website has returned after crippling attack, better than ever
You and a few thousand other folks noticed how Guns Save Life's website looked like a ghost ship floating through the ocean the last few weeks. Indeed we were adrift as we were unable to post new content OR edit existing content. Frustrated didn't begin to describe our feelings. We…
Housekeeping, test post AND exciting update coming soon…
We've had a few issues with the server these last couple of days. Knock on wood, I think we're getting a handle on it. Thank you for your patience. If all goes well we're looking forward to bringing you this... The victim of the attack in the video has contacted…
HINT: IT ISN’T GUNS! Firearms Policy Coalition pushes back on Kamala Harris’ claim that firearms are leading cause of death of children
Any time someone tells you guns are the leading cause of death of children, you can pretty much ignore them as they are ill-informed at best and lying at worst. If their cause is so righteous, why do they need to lie? — Firearms Policy Coalition (@gunpolicy) July…
‘Crime pays’ is rallying cry of the lawless in Chicago
The defund the police movement continues to wreak havoc on the streets of Chicago, as lawlessness and crime reach unprecedented levels. The city that was once known for its vibrant culture and thriving communities has now become a hotbed of violence and chaos. As a conservative and a former policeman, I…
HOLDING PATTERNS, MOSTLY: Greg Bishop update on gun cases…
Greg Bishop does a nice job with updates on the various cases pending in Illinois courts. If you've been keeping up with our posts here at Guns Save Life, you will know most of this. If you're like most folks and haven't faithfully been checking the GSL website, then this…
CONFIRMED: Attorney Tom DeVore Thursday at GSL Charleston!
Attorney Tom DeVore will join us as our main speaker at our Charleston GSL meeting on Thursday, July 13th. We'll hold our regular second Thursday meeting at the U Hotel Conference Center (behind the Brickhouse Restaurant at 920 West Lincoln Ave, Charleston) Join us for dinner and conversation at 6…