Weekend Roundup: Oliver Anthony supports ‘hardworking’ Joe Biden? NY Times on Elections. Believe what they say and More…
Weekend roundup is here. First up, 43+ million Americans have now seen Oliver Anthony's "Rich Men North of Richmond." Including myself. Here it is. https://youtu.be/sqSA-SY5Hro There's a post from the past rolling around the interwebs... For more on how some think this tune's meteoric rise wasn't just a random happening,…
What the Illinois Supreme Court ruling on gun & mag ban law means to you
The Illinois Supreme Court upheld Gov. Pritzker’s gun and magazine ban. Their case in Rep. Dan Caulkins’ case didn’t involve Second Amendment considerations, but rather it was argued on “equal protection” grounds. The outcome matters to gun owners as the earlier decision striking down the law as unconstitutional has now…
Communist front group in Central IL demands jail for those practicing self-defense… they’re coming for your right to self-defense next
Government-funded media dutifully reported on a couple of dozen malcontents marching in Rantoul, IL on July 26th. Who were they and why were they marching? It all started with a communist front group in Urbana, IL. They organized the “rally” not to demand the arrest and incarceration of those committing…
Shooting at White Sox Park in Chicago Friday Night
Two fans were wounded by a full metal jacket bullet fired at Sox Park. Now, City Fathers are trying to play this off as a random bullet somehow arced into the "bowl" of a stadium from somewhere elsewhere in the nation's largest open-air shooting range. Second City Cop isn't buying…
THEY’LL DO ANYTHING NOT TO MAKE ARRESTS: Instead of arresting and prosecuting carjackers and car thieves, Chicago sues automakers…
The do-gooders in Chicago who eschew making arrests of bad boys and girls, or prosecuting those handful that do find their way into bracelets, are now trying for a money grab from auto manufacturers... Why, it's a lot like blame gun makers for violent crime. Gee, if we could only…
FREEZE, SUCKA! Watch fleeing drug dealer get fatally stopped by cop-tossed cooler [VIDEO]
When cooler heads prevail. He didn't go to the cooler... the cooler came to him. He fought the law and the cooler won! Oh, the jokes write themselves. No doubt the NYC mayor will find little humor in them. Anyway, a drug dealer evading arrest driving his motorcycle on a…
A-TEAM 2.0 FALLOUT: *At least* 75 cops placed on leave after firing ‘thousands’ of rounds during stand-off
It may as well as have been the shoot-out at the OK Corral or something. Dozens of law-enforcement officers from a host of departments fired "thousands" of rounds of ammo at towards a barricaded suspect in Pittsburgh Wednesday. Now residents are talking to the media and they're not happy about…
THE A-TEAM 2.0: Cops shoot it out with ‘Black Supremicist’ in Pennsylvania, run out of ammo, bring in FBI
Remember the A-Team? You know, lots of shooting and nobody ever gets hit? Well, it played out in Pittsburgh's Garfield neighborhood. Police moved to evict a guy for not paying the mortgage and taxes on an inherited property. He said, "Eh, I'm not going anywhere." The next thing you know,…
END SELF-DEFENSE: Brady Bunch, Big Gun Control promote criminalizing self-defense
Big Gun Control busied itself, gasping for the oxygen of publicity, by decrying that "Police Violence is Gun Violence." Yep, they want to criminalize self-defense, including for police. Maybe even disarm the police. Won't that be extra-great, right? These people hate freedom and liberty. They prefer tyranny... until that jack…
BLUE STATE BLUES: Law-and-Order, Permitless Carry Florida vs. Lawless, Gun-Controlled Illinois [VIDEOS]
So my family and I returned from some time in Florida, specifically Ft. Walton Beach. We saw the sights and had a great time on the Emerald Coast, named for its beautiful green water and white sand. Some call it the "Redneck Riviera". No doubt some in "civilized" and woke…