FAFO: Pregnant woman in Texas pops armed carjacker [VIDEO]
This one is not safe for work, but it's glorious watching a pregnant Texas woman shooting a would-be carjacker who wasn't content just taking her ride. Instead, tough guy came over and stuck his gun in her man's face. She she shot his posterior. Worth noting: these thugs like to…
Biden’s ‘Ghost Gun’ rulemaking vacated by federal judge in Firearms Policy Coalition challenge
Got ghost gun? The Firearms Policy Coalition scored a major victory at the district court level on Friday, June 30th. A federal judge granted a summary judgement for the plaintiffs in VanDerStok v. Garland. The ruling prevented the government from enforcing the ATF's rulemaking on "frames and receivers" and blocked…
ATTACKS ON CIVILIZATION AS COPS SHOT, BEATEN: Body armor saves Denver cop from ambush attack, plus other attacks on police [VIDEO]
Body armor saves lives. Yes, it's hot and uncomfortable, but it stops bullets sent in your direction by bad guys. A Denver cop learned that first-hand earlier this month when a lunatic named Nicholas Lendrum opened fire on the officer as he worked in his squad car outside a Quality…
HE’S DEAD JIM: Rantoul dope-dealing bad guy won’t drop his stolen gun during police chase so police drop him… [VIDEO]
"That's my son!" shrieked a woman in Rantoul moments after her kid ran from police with an illegal gun, then got shot after he ignored police commands. If only mama had been a little more involved in her ne'er-do-well son's life providing better parenting in the minutes, days, weeks, months…
On Thursday, June 29th, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals heard our appeal seeking to restore the preliminary injunction issued by Judge Stephen McGlynn from the Southern District of Illinois federal court. First off, let me be more specific, a three judge panel heard the appeal. It was almost the…
LIVE! Right now!
Arguments in the consolidated cases challenging the PICA Gun & Magazine ban are live in front of the US Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. On YouTube.
A DAD’S DUTY: North Carolina man shoots, kills attacker to protect his 11YO daughter on Father’s Day
It won't surprise you that most parents have a strong protective instinct when it comes to their kids. If you've never had kids, you can't really understand the depth of those protective feelings. Nothing brings out the mama or papa bear instinct like messing with their cubs. On Father's day,…
7th Circuit Court of Appeals HEARING TODAY! Livestream link, updates…
Today's the big day for gun rights in front of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The hearing starts at 9:30am. You can view the livestream from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals YouTube page here. Here's Greg Bishop talking with Dan Eldridge of Maxons. There's a lot of good…
Cook County prosecutors drop murder charges against mom, 14-year-old son after video emerges of attack against mom
Mainstream media both locally in Chicago and nationally seemed appalled that a mother would tell her teenage son to get her carry gun out of her car as she was being accosted. It happened in a working class neighborhood carry-out restaurant in Murder City USA. What's more, the 14-year-old son…
GO FIGURE: Chicago residents unhappy about mobs damaging their property at “Takeover” rampages
Chicago residents are voicing their unhappiness about thousands of dollars in damages to their property from rampaging "takeover" rampages by "little rascals." We wrote about this in "DESCENT: Chicago lawlessness grows under ‘Big Brain’ Brandon Johnson; Chicago Police get no love or support from other City Departments." Guess what folks. …