Crime up 38% in new mayor’s first 30 days Homicide across the street from mayor’s home Bloodiest Memorial Day weekend in 10+ years Gangs and gang violence flourish Crime without consequences: Less than 5% of major crimes see arrests 11 killed, 63 wounded over Juneteenth weekend Mayor appoints a defund,…
Champaign’s woke, ‘Mayors Against Guns’ Mayor Deb Feinen ignores gang violence, cautions against fireworks instead
Champaign, IL's uber-woke Mayor Lil Debbie Feinen used her "Meet the Mayor" segment on The Morning Show (whatever that is) to tsk tsk Champaign's residents that they shouldn't light off fireworks. Apparently that's her biggest priority, even though gangs are shooting it out on the streets of her city which…
GSL’s FOID CHALLENGE: Summary of the Court hearing… and hot take
Yesterday was the oral arguments in Sangamon County Circuit Court over Guns Save Life's challenge to the FOID statute. A statute which we see as patently unconstitutional because, as we all know, there were no FOID cards in 1791 to own firearms or ammunition. I was unable to attend as…
OUCH! Bloomington PD releases announcement about their gun-rusting safe giveaway…
The pen is mightier than the sword. And Saul Alinsky is absolutely right that ridicule is man's most potent weapon. Well, when he's not armed, that is. Bloomington Police felt the sting of coverage of their gun-rusting box "giveaway" that I profiled both at The Truth About Guns and here…
Governor JB Pritzker’s ‘statement’ on the Willowbrook shootout omits facts and has much softer language that a condemnation of a noose on a construction site
Leave it to Gov. J.B. Pritzker to issue a statement in the aftermath of the massive shootout that took place in Willowbrook, IL about twenty miles west of Murder City USA. It's filled with all of the talking points of the leftists who have enabled the sorts of behaviors that…
HAPPY JUNETEENTH: 20+ Shot, 1 Dead, 0 Arrests in Willowbrook, IL Juneteenth Party Shooting
Police saw it coming. WBNS 10TV reported that police were "close by" monitoring a party of 200 "youths" at an impromptu parking lot "party" to celebrate Juneteenth in Willowbrook, IL. The town lies just 20 miles from downtown Chicago. Then police were called away to a fight. While cops responded…
BYE FELICIA! Anti-gun activist sentenced to prison for threatening life of pro-gun Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
by Lee Williams A 39-year-old South Florida man who is an ardent anti-gunner was sentenced last week to 15 months in federal prison and one year of probation for threatening U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colorado, in a series of social media posts that targeted the Congresswoman for her strong Second…
INSIDIOUS: Bloomington PD gives away ‘gun safes’ that destroy guns!
Most Americans generally trust the government to do the right thing. As time goes by though, government gives us more and more reasons to distrust them. Like hiring 87,000 armed IRS agents. Or the government's fixation on gun control when they leave the border wide open to illegals and drugs. …
Des Plaines PD pops axe-wielding bully in apartment hallway…
You play stupid games, expect to win stupid prizes. Or, put another way, carry a hatchet around intimidating your neighbors, expect them to call the cops. One way or another, you will put that hatchet down, assuming a good guy gun owner doesn't appear before the cops do. In Des…
BS DETECTOR FLASHING: Illinois man arrested for allegedly shooting himself while sleeping (and a horrific hotel story)
A Lake Barrington man told cops he was dreaming when he fired a shot in his sleep, wounding himself in the leg. Call me skeptical, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one catching a wife of incredulity in this 62-year-old's claims. Even taking him at his word, it…