LIBERTY: Miss Liberty has a request…

Member Janice Beasley, aka Liberty Walsh in the Cowboy world, sent a great photo of her working the targets at a Cowboy Action shoot. With it, she sent a letter asking if we could run a female on the front cover that isn’t holding a semi-auto rifle. And who isn’t…

Quit blaming the tool instead of the evil-doer

by Justin Thyme, a GSL member “Guns are killing our young people at an alarming rate.” I read this quote in a newspaper. Twenty-five years ago. Blaming an inanimate object for the deeds of an evil-doer is oftentimes nothing more than psychological deflection. The message of the anti-gun crowd is…

ON THE WEB: My Daily Whistlestops

I'm dating myself, but I can remember when my dad would bring home the Springfield State Journal-Register and sit down with my mom to read the previous couple of days' news.  Today, I don't know anyone who has a subscription to the dead tree press of yesterday's news. People ask…