LIBERTY: Miss Liberty has a request…
Member Janice Beasley, aka Liberty Walsh in the Cowboy world, sent a great photo of her working the targets at a Cowboy Action shoot. With it, she sent a letter asking if we could run a female on the front cover that isn’t holding a semi-auto rifle. And who isn’t…
Quit blaming the tool instead of the evil-doer
by Justin Thyme, a GSL member “Guns are killing our young people at an alarming rate.” I read this quote in a newspaper. Twenty-five years ago. Blaming an inanimate object for the deeds of an evil-doer is oftentimes nothing more than psychological deflection. The message of the anti-gun crowd is…
GUN BAN PLEADINGS: Defendants’ briefs filled with make-believe, wishful thinking, and grade-school brainstorming to defend the PICA gun & mag ban…
Dear Lord: Please make it stop. How can these attorneys working to defend Gov. Pritzker's PICA Gun & Magazine Ban be allowed to submit outright lies and falsehoods to the court? How can they do this without sanction? Folks, there isn't enough bourbon in the world to read these things…
FULL AUTO: Gangs brazenly blast one another in Chicago while you and I can’t buy the best self-defense guns [VIDEO]
In Chicago, local political leaders have tried to rebrand gang violence as gun violence. In reality, guns don't shoot up Windy City neighborhoods, but brazen, largely illiterate gang bangers certainly do. Here we are, almost five months after Governor Pritzker signed a gun and magazine ban. The only people who…
CALLED IT: Defendant’s filings cite ‘unprecedented societal concerns’ as a reason to infringe upon fundamental 2A rights
Yesterday I predicted more of the same from gun control jihadists in state government in justifying their unconstitutional new gun and magazine ban that has done nothing to keep anyone except criminals safer. Sure enough, in filings yesterday, that's just what the state offered. As of this writing, I'm busy…
ON THE WEB: My Daily Whistlestops
I'm dating myself, but I can remember when my dad would bring home the Springfield State Journal-Register and sit down with my mom to read the previous couple of days' news. Today, I don't know anyone who has a subscription to the dead tree press of yesterday's news. People ask…
MONEY, NOT SOLUTIONS: Chicago Council members bicker over expenditures for their racial groups, not solution to insane crime
If you think that Chicago's city council gives a damn about the health and safety of residents and visitors to the city, think again. The council members are all busy bickering with one another over government handouts for their favored racial groups. The white liberals want money for the illegal…
BRAZEN: Judge robbed in broad daylight across from courthouse in gun-controlled California
California's comprehensive regime of strict gun control laws have worked to ensure that mostly bad guys have guns in the Golden State. Gavin Newsom's done his damnedest through radically restrictive limits on keeping and bearing arms to keep firearms out of the hands of most good men and women. That…
MASS NON-COMPLIANCE: 255k braced guns registered of 20M+ owned
In news that comes as a shock to no one, only only a tiny handful of braced pistol owners jumped through the hoops of completing an eForm 1 for braced pistols they owned during the just-completed "amnesty" period. According to The Reload, ATF says it received just over a quarter-million…
HOMEWORK DUE: Kwame’s defense of the PICA Gun & Mag bans due today at the Seventh Circuit
Kwame Raoul and his merry band of gun control jidahists are due with their briefs to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals today in defender of the PICA Gun and Magazine Bans. Oral Arguments are June 29th, and in two weeks, our side will have our chance to rebut the…