SCOTUS may rule Monday and here’s why

Illinois has a whole bushel basket full of legal actions challenging the new gun ban.  These include Robert Bevis' case from Naperville.  Bevis filed for an emergency injunction from the US Supreme Court after both the district court and the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals rejected his petition for a…

Executive Director’s Update…

LEGISLATIVE: Illinois.  There were a lot of anti-gun bills floating around this spring.   Nothing passed the deadline for moving out of the originating house.  And then this week happened as we're back to the "gut and replace" games. HB218 sets up gun manufacturers for nuisance lawsuits over advertising. HB676 is…

THE KLAN: Who else wants AR-15s banned?

There's a lot of talk from JB Pritzker and his merry band of gun control jihadists in the Illinois General Assembly in opposition to the little people buying and owning America's favorite rifle, the AR-15.  Our own Attorney General Kwame Raoul argues the same ad nauseum in court. You want…