What the ‘Raimondo’ SCOTUS case may mean for BATF regulatory over-reach
Are you tired of the ATF "redefining" things as prohibited items after they were initially approved? Over at The Truth About guns, attorney Cody Wisniewski weighed in on the potential of a US Supreme Court case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. The 'Raimondo' case may reshape the ability of the…
CRITICAL MAS: Mas Ayoob on how to argue gun rights with ‘undecideds’
We've written about how to promote and defend freedom and gun rights for all in an effort to make everyone better, more informed citizens. In short, we need soundbite arguments, not scholarly papers to bring the undecided to the position of freedom and liberty. We're fighting the constant drumbeat for…
Piers Morgan preaches gun control talking points; Kari Lake hands him his arse…
Pity Piers Morgan. He's a great subject. He understands the monarchy, not freedom and liberty. He tried to ambush Kari Lake with cherry-picked facts and fake stats, asking her why she supports gun rights for the little people. She does a fine job pushing back against the pompous Piers.
QUALIFIED IMMUNITY: Why the ISP is all talk and no enforcement on ‘Protect Illinois Communities’ Gun Ban
Has it occurred to you why the Illinois State Police is all bark and no bite on the new gun ban passed into law on January 10th? There's a really significant reason that we'll get to momentarily, but first some background. There are some outstanding people working at the Illinois…
Attorney Thomas Maag: Fifth Amendment comes into play on guns, mags purchased during ‘Freedom Week’
Were you one of tens of thousands of Illinois residents who bought guns over "Freedom Week" when a federal preliminary injunction blocked enforcement of J.B. Pritzker's beloved "PICA" gun ban? If so, the State of Illinois says you can't register those guns and they must be destroyed, surrendered to police…
VIDEO Shows ATF on forced reset trigger confiscation detail… agents walk away with bupkis
Watch a couple of BATF agents trying to confiscate forced reset trigger from a guy involved in the gun industry. He refuses to answer questions and tells them diplomatically to go pound sand. From there, they talk a walk of shame and leave, but not before threatening to arrest him…
THEY’RE BACK WITH GUN SEIZURE BILL! Bills filed to set up gun manufacturers for lawsuits, mandated gun seizures
The end of the spring legislative session is approaching fast and the gun grabbers in Springfield are busy. Not content to get creamed in court over their precious gun ban law, they're introducing some new measures. Of course, they are using the famous "gut and replace" measures that we're used…
LAWSUIT SERVED: Normal Police batter, then arrest innocent ISU student, illegally seize student’s phone
We are very pro-police and pro-law-and-order at Guns Save Life. At the same time we have no patience for police misconduct, when LEOs run roughshod over the constitutional rights of innocent people. Especially when it comes to gun rights. Big city departments too often foster an "us vs. them" mentality…
Update on the Naperville case / Application for SCOTUS injunction pending appeal to Justice Barrett
Monday marked the deadline for a response from Naperville in the case involving the Naperville ban on the sale of popular defensive firearms as well as the challenge to the Illinois Firearm Ban Act. Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked for the response from Naperville, and not only did Naperville file…
THIS WEDNESDAY, NEW LOCATION! GSL Northwest Chicagoland moving to Prairie House Tavern in Buffalo Grove
NW Chicagoland new venue!Meeting this Wednesday, May 10th! Our Northwest Chicagoland Regional Director Marcus Melnick has announced a new location for our monthly meeting. We’re moving to Prairie House Tavern at 2710 Main St. in Buffalo Grove. Why the change? The Golden Corral loved us but we’ve outgrown the facility.…