BOO HOO: National coverage of Kwame’s federal court loss defending Illinois gun ban law
Pity poor Kwame the Magnificent, the Land of Lincoln's Attorney General. He's a master of symbolism over substance, smooth talk over real action. And a would-be tyrant if he had the chance. He thinks he's a "rising star" in the Democratic party... you know, a rising star like a new…
Guns Save Life monthly meeting updates: NW Chicago new venue, Danville & Quincy coming soon!
NW Chicagoland new venue!Our Northwest Chicagoland Regional Director Marcus Melnick has announced a new location for our monthly meeting. We’re moving to Prairie House Tavern at 2710 Main St. in Buffalo Grove. Why the change? The Golden Corral loved us but we’ve outgrown the facility. We thank the Golden Corral…
May 2023 GunNews available to download…
The May 2023 issue of GunNews is now available to download. You can also download it in the pdf embed widget. Please share it with your friends, family, neighbors and maybe even some folks you don't really like.
REAL WORLD RESULTS: Backup sources of heat & electricity
In 2020 at my casa, we decided to put a 250 square foot, three season porch on the back of our home in Central Illinois. In 2021, we found a contractor with experience in jobs like this to do the work and in 2022 the job got done. Welcome to…
KWAME FILES FOR STAY: IL AG throws a lot of fecal matter at the wall seeking to stay the injunction blocking the IL gun ban
The attorneys in Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul's office burned the midnight oil after a federal court judge blocked enforcement of the new Illinois Firearm Ban Act. At a couple of minutes shy of midnight, they filed a motion to stay the injunction with Judge Stephen McGlynn. First off, clearly…
BUY YOUR GUNS, MAGS NOW: Freedom Week started yesterday… Limited window to purchase guns, mags
Great news yesterday as US District Court Judge Stephen McGlynn issued a preliminary injunction blocking the new Illinois Firearms Ban Act. The injunction took effect immediately and lasts until the case is either heard and ruled upon, or FAR more likely until it is stayed. In English: This means stores…
*YOU* CAN APPLY: Only six applications filed so far for Chicago PD Superintendent… deadline is May 7
Looking for a modestly paying job tip-toeing through landmines, borderline incompetent "merit"-promoted command staff and a new mayor that's philosophically at or just left of Karl Marx? If that's you, then you can apply for the position of Chicago Police Superintendent. The good news is, if selected, that you'll become…
BLACK POWDER: US Military without a sole domestic producer for two years now thanks to defense consolidation & industrial plant kaboom
You know that black powder you have in your closet for your muzzle-stuffer rifle? It's a natural security resource. Yep. Believe it or not, the US military relies on it in a number of roles, primarily in explosive trains for modern munitions. How about that? It's true. You ask what…
LESSONS LEARNED: GSL member stabbed 19 times in his front yard, then arrested by Normal, IL police
At our Pontiac GSL meeting, member Chad Berck described a horrific incident from last May where he was arrested in his own front yard. Minutes earlier, one of Berck's neighbors living a few houses down had attacked and stabbed him 19 times while Mr. Berck took the dog out to…
More Americans oppose bans of America’s favorite rifle than support them
A Monmouth University poll from last month shows that a majority of Americans oppose banning black rifles and the magazines that feed them. In fact, in just nine months, support for banning America's favorite rifle, the AR-15 has dropped a whopping 9 points. From Breitbart: A poll conducted by Monmouth…