TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME IS REAL: Guy kills his family, and his ex- and his son because he couldn’t bear for them to live under Trump
Anthony Nephew hated Christians. The Duluth, MN man hated Trump supporters. Mr. Nephew, already a strange bird, kept his head in the hard left's echo chamber for too long. He would have been a lot better off going to church getting some Jesus in his cold, barren heart. Then the…
HAPPY VETERANS DAY! We honor your service!
Happy Veterans Day. Even if you have to work and your kids have school, it's still appropriate to take a few minutes - or hours - to reflect upon those heroes who served our nation to protect the freedom we all enjoy. AWR Hawkins at Breitbart offers this short, but…
UPDATE: Mentally ill Leftist ‘women’ continue their jihad against themselves
Update to our recent story about the temper tantrum of Leftist "women" about the election. Your terms are acceptable. We don’t care. — shellshock (@shellshockkk) November 10, 2024 ‘Getting my tubes tied 2 days after Trump was elected because so the government can’t take away my…
WHEELS ARE COMING OFF OF BRANDON JOHNSON’S CHICAGO: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s running Windy City into the ground… Chicago Fire Truck wheel comes loose, wrecks parked car
Hat tip to Second City Cop for this one. We knew about the great majority of tower ladder trucks belonging to Chicago Fire Department being offline because of breakdowns, lack of preventative maintenance and an unwillingness of the City of Chicago to pay for needed repairs. That's all well and…
Letter to the Editor: No JOY in Mudville
To the Editor: On Tuesday night the Democrat Party’s faithful, cleverly disguised as empty chairs, came out en masse to cheer on their savior, an empty pantsuit: But there is no “JOY” in Mudville my friends, because the Almighty Kamala struck out in the bottom of the 9th, bases…
Celebrate your support of Donald Trump… No need to hide it to protect delicate little snowflakes who hate you!
Break out your MAGA hats, Trump shirts and flags. Celebrate the fact that the pro-gun candidate won. And that we'll have four more years of solidly pro-gun Supreme Court and federal court appointments! Besides, why should you be kind to those who hate you viscerally? These are largely the same…
Thinking of taking your family to NAVY PIER / CHICAGO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM? WHY? Why would you take your family to the site of high crime and a double murder?
Seriously: Why would anyone take their family to Navy Pier in Chicago, given the omnipresent crime there? Do you really think those "gun free" signs keep you and your family safe? Let me buy you a clue if you do: those signs just ensure a disarmed victim zone. Criminals, lunatics…
MAINTAIN SIT AWARENESS: Catfishing social misfit woman pledging to buy guns and shoot white men… doubles down in second video [VIDEOS]
Here's another social misfit radical leftist, who claims her name is Kate Gallion on social media, suffering a mental breakdown over President Trump's re-election. However, this mental breakdown has swerved hard past societal guardrails and into the land of criminal conduct. She says she's buying a gun to shoot white…
Poor Christopher Wells probably barely had time to put his ponytail into a hair tie before he had to drop what he was doing and dash out a single page announcement appealing today's blockbuster rebuke of the Illinois gun and magazine ban handed down in federal court. Here it is.…