Teach Yourself to Shoot Better
Have you seen those pistol correction targets on the internet? Apparently if you just look at them and your bullet holes, it will allow you to just go ahead and fix yourself. Seriously? Fix myself? I thought even my Adventure Wife would have given up on that foolish hope some…
JAW DROPPING STAT GOOD FOR TRUMP: Early voting numbers positive for Trump, not so much for gun-grabbin’ Kamala
My old buddy Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse shared this little bit of data on Saturday while I was engaged in the twins' birthday celebrations. DATA: While it is not my intent to interpret the data too much, I must say the current status of the EARLY VOTE looks good; very…
ART OF THE SISSY: Adam Kinzinger, Kunce the Dunce and reckless, unsafe shooting practices by pretend gun owners at a range set up by a felon?
The first paragraph of the Liberty Doll's YouTube video is a nice set up. By now most of you have probably heard about the weird publicity stunt in which a Democrat candidate for Senate tried to prove his muster when it comes to convincing gun owners to vote for him...…
VOTE TO SAVE AMERICA: Don Surber on Biden calling us ‘GARBAGE’… We’ve got a country to save!
Don Surber shared a great opinion piece yesterday on the significance of Joe Biden calling Trump supporters garbage. The gist? It's going to help drive turnout among the deplorables. President Biden called Trump supporters garbage. Frank Luntz said on CNN, “It’s gonna be huge because this is not some comedian saying…
CHICAGO DOESN’T RESPECT THE 1ST AMENDMENT EITHER: COPA recommends termination over a meme mocking Lori Lightfoot
The anti-police Civilian Office of Police Accountability investigates reports of wrongdoing by Chicago cops. Their latest hare-brained decision came out today. It's a doozy. What happened and what was the harsh punishment recommended? A Chicago cop, after hearing the then-mayor Lori Lightfoot refer to John Catanzaro, the Chicago FOP President,…
FIRST AMENDMENT HAS NO PLACE IN IL? Illinois launches snitch line to report ‘hate’
Illinois' hard left leadership proudly announced a new $5 million dollar hotline in our state to snitch on people expressing "hate." Of course, hate has a lot of meanings. I guess we should all be on the lookout for gun-hating leftists making hate-filled comments, right? Especially pols who express hateful,…
OBJECT OF DESIRE: I’ll take two of those, please.
We can make Aliens real pic.twitter.com/BzwzZIwSNg — Doc Strangelove (@DocStrangelove2) October 30, 2024 Pretty sure that's an MG-42 under some add-ons. I've held one of those recently. Even in my current excellent physical condition (thank you TRT and to my professional physical trainer) it has some mass to it. The…
DOUBLING DOWN ON STUPID: Chicago seeks to slash even more cops, funding from police department in nation’s murder capital
Leading the nation in raw homicide numbers for ten (or is it twelve?) straight years, one would think that the political leadership would place its energy on proven strategies to combat crime. You know, put bad actors in prison for long prison terms where they can't molest the innocent with…
Federal judge tosses machine gun possession charge… citing 2A protections
Before you get too perked up and excited, know that in oral arguments in the recent case involving ghost gun receivers, the US Supreme Court seemed disinclined to broaden the Bruen decision's scope to include full-auto guns. In other words, this decision most likely won't survive an appeal. But it…
OBJECT OF DESIRE: Remington Model 7188 select-fire 12ga. shotgun
Imagine a Remington 1100 shotgun in full auto. Yes, pretty sweet. The US Navy SEALs tried them out in Vietnam. They found the recoil rather... punishing. Even with good technique in firing them. With #4 buckshot (at 27 pellets per round) that's a whole lot of projectiles flying downrange with…