TEARS CAN MAKE GOOD GUN LUBE: Gun Grabbers having a bad three weeks; Mother Jones having psychological breakdown
The past three weeks have been devastating for those advocating gun control for the little people. First Donald Trump took over at the White House, but everyone saw that coming. Gun grabbers might not have expected Trump to shut down the so-called White House Office of Gun Control or whatever…
STOP ‘GHETTO LOTTERY’: Chicago pays out 107.5M in police settlements in 2024
The ACLU's policy director Ed Yohnka claims that all these settlements the City of Chicago is paying out in police-related lawsuits demands immediate action. We concur. In 2024, Chicago paid out $107.5million. Those payouts should serve as a call for immediate action for the city to stop paying out “settlements”…
Valentine’s Day messages…
At Guns Save Life, we love Valentine's Day. And what better to go with Valentine's Day than a little humor. Love is the answer—but you ought to own a handgun just in case. Happy Valentine’s Day, Louisiana! pic.twitter.com/mvveYCjiNO — John Neely Kennedy (@JohnKennedyLA) February 14, 2025 Here’s hoping your…
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY: 7 Ways Good Guys Can Screw Up in Armed Self-Defense Situations
As Americans, we have the right to use deadly force when faced with an imminent, credible threat of death or great bodily harm. Yes, Virginia, this even applies in deep blue jurisdictions with Team Soros prosecutors who are openly antagonistic to gun owners and the right to armed self-defense. Fortunately,…
US Law Shield’s Illinois Attorney Michael Johnson: Justifiable Use of Deadly Force
US Law Shield’s Illinois program attorney Michael Johnson addressed a full house in Pontiac on the Justifiable Use of Deadly Force. It proved educational, especially for those with little or no good formal training. It’s one thing to read the law. It’s another thing to know how the courts interpret…
GSL’s John Boch featured speaker at the ISRA grassroots meeting in Streator on Feb. 22nd
Wait, what? John Boch speaking at an ISRA chapter meeting? It's true. The Illinois State Rifle Association has launched a new grassroots chapter in Streator, IL. It's headed up by a couple of ladies from our GSL LaSalle County steering committee. They're bringing some of that same energy and excitement…
YES, BUT…: FOID Act struck down by *another* White County judge, State of IL sure to appeal
Yes, Virginia, the Firearms Owners ID Act has been struck down by a third (!) judge in White County, Illinois. We at GSL didn't drop everything and trumpet this news because, well, it's largely a nothingburger at this point. Definitely don't burn your FOID card or go dancing in the…
ROAD RAGE IS OKAY IN CHICAGO: Courts release two men firing shots during road rage thanks to Illinois ‘No Cash Bail’ law
If you're a decent driver in Chicago, not only do you have to negotiate Olympic-level potholes and endless construction, but thanks to No Cash Bail, you have to deal with road-raging drivers who shoot at the objects of their ire. Take the two fine gents pictured above, Maurice Jones, left,…
TRANSPORTING FIREARMS LEGALLY: Don’t make it more difficult than it has to be, especially for younger folks…
by John Boch In addition to countless calls trying to sign me up for Medicare insurance, and burial insurance and all the rest of the spam calls that make my phone almost unusable for voice calls, I get calls from gun owners with questions about legalities of the law when…
Did you see… No not the terrible National Anthem rendition but the Secret Service recruiting ad…
There's a new dawn in America. Where merit matters, not the color of your skin or the color of the spray paint in your hair. While the Superbowl got off to a rough start with that utterly disastrous rendition of the National Anthem, things certainly improved for Eagles fans. But…