As though Americans, and Illinoisans, needed another reason to practice their “ABCs” - otherwise know as “Always Be Carrying” - the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Iran provides it. Not because Iran is going to invade downtown Chicago, but because of terrorist sleeper agents embedded in our…
Make Malfunction Clearing second-nature by practicing it regularly
Back thirty years ago, semi-auto handguns were just starting to become popular. Manufacturers have worked out the kinks with double-stack magazines for the most part. Reliability kept improving as did form factors and trigger quality. Today, everyone loves semi-auto pistols, particularly for self-defense applications. Greater carry capacity and less complicated…
Kwame Gets 30 Day Delay in Southern District of Illinois Federal Court…
Judge Stephen McGlynn granted a request from the state for 30 days for them to work on their "expert witnesses" to the history of the 2nd Amendment and perhaps other experts to tell them what the law they're defending really does. Kwame Raoul asked for effectively an indefinite delay, wanting…
A SOLUTION: Use litigation against universities turning blind eye to disruptive Pro-Palestinian ‘protests’
Instapundit posted a press release from George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf on how to deal with these so-called "Pro-Palestinian" agitators on American college campuses. In short, hit them where it hurts. llegal protests on university campuses have already triggered a number of legal actions, but so far the…
$200/DAY FOR THUGS? ‘Gun Violence Prevention’ advocates seek ANOTHER $140M in IL state funding
The Bad Idea Factory in Springfield, known as the IL General Assembly, has all manner of special interest groups lobbying for more state money from our very bankrupt state. Among those are organizations that hire criminal thugs to act as "peacekeepers" and "violence interrupters" on the streets of Chicago. At…
‘THE CITY WILL BURN’: Feds reportedly ‘in a panic’ over lack of manpower for DNC Circus
Folks, if you live, work or play anywhere near Chicago, you should make plans to take some time away during that third week in August. You don't want to be within a quarter tank of gas of the Democratic National Convention Circus. From a comment at Second City Cop: I…
Coming in June 2024: GSL Geneseo!
Gun Valley is the home to multiple gun manufacturers, including Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms. Coming in June, it will be home to the newest regional chapter of Guns Save Life! Yes, Guns Save Life is coming to Gun Valley with meetings in Geneseo, Illinois on June 25th. Our…
Bill Oglesby: A national treasure!
Bill Oglesby, the internationally-known exhibition shooter and an encyclopedia of firearm-related knowledge joined us at our Sangamon County meeting in April. He said he was well enough to be out of the hospital for a few days. He began by talking up the virtues of revolvers, including Old West Guns.…
GunNews: May ’24 Edition… Download and Share today!
GunNews Magazine, the May 2024 edition, is now available for download. Share the file or the link with your friends, neighbors, family and others. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD! [caption id="attachment_41575" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Instructor Michael Brown.[/caption] We recognize Instructor Michael Brown who holds the distinction of one of only a handful…
PRUDENT PREPAREDNESS: GSL Defense Training class fun… in photos and student comments
Your handgun is your lifeline. Be it for home defense or carry. It may be all you've got or it may be what you're using to get to something better. Remember though, when that gun comes out, it's business time. Things go wrong fast. You need to know what…