The public lynching of Trump and coming civil war
By Mike Pottage (World Net Daily) - The New York trial of Donald J. Trump is a public lynching. Lady Justice never entered the courtroom. She was not even in the building. And the worst awaits us all. Trump has been placed in an American version of the Tower of…
HELLHOLE CHICAGO: Those with criminal records are encouraged to apply for ‘Investigator III’ with the City of Chicago’s Inspector General’s Office
Second City Cop has this one. It's a real job. You have until early June to submit your application. \ And they wonder why they have a crime problem.
GSL Geneseo coming June 25th!
Gun Valley is the home to multiple gun manufacturers, including Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms. Coming in June GSL will launch our Geneseo meeting chapter. It will mark our 12th meeting location across our fine state. Regional Director Paul Pardo will lead the charge at the VFW on the…
GunNews! Download, enjoy and share our June 2024 edition
The June 2024 edition of GunNews is now available for downloading and sharing for those who haven't received theirs yet or those wishing to share with friends, family and everyone else. Enjoy! Click here.
GSL/John Boch in Grassroots Quarterly: 500 words on how 20,000+ gun control laws are unconstitutional
God bless the Illinois Freedom Alliance. They must think I can work miracles. Why? They tasked me with explaining in just 500 words how 20,000+ gun control laws violate our Constitutional rights. It's a tall order but here goes... Some politicians and judges treat the US Constitution as merely a…
HELLHOLE CHICAGO: Thug on ‘pre-trial release’ under so-called ‘SAFE-T Act’ part of violent robbery crew
How's that "SAFE-T Act" that the Illinois Black Caucus of Democrats enacted into law working out for Illinois residents? Well for the bad guys, it's pretty awesome. For the productive folks? Eh, not so much. Unless you like getting robbed, beaten and shot at. Take this piece of human debris…
Our legal team needs your help
Our legal bills have started to mount up in our case to block the Illinois gun and magazine ban. We need your help... Our challenges to the so-called Protect Illinois Communities Act are currently running two parallel tracks. The appeal to the US Supreme Court remains pending. At the same…
GUNFIGHT IN WINNETKA: Monied suburb sees criminals shoot it out with homeowner
Imagine you're living in the very monied suburb of Winnetka. Where the poors live in million-dollar homes. A suburb widely thought safe from the ravages of Chicago-style violence. Why, it's almost like Mayberry in the 21st Century. Well, it was. If you thought it was exempt from Chicago-style violent crime,…
SPLC ‘EXTREMIST’ patriot KrisAnne Hall coming to Rock Island, IL June 7 & 8 for Grassroots Rising
I just received notice that this event has been cancelled for low ticket sales. God bless them for trying! I want to leave the post up for those coming back to see that it will not happen after all. Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And…
YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN: Chicago Cops lose control at Pritzker ‘ILLEGAL ALIEN’ shelter melee Friday
It's Friday night and illegal aliens decided they didn't want to to to bed early so they could get up, go to work and make the world a better place. Instead, they stayed up late, attacking cops and one another as if Chicago was a third-world penal colony and they…