LOOK! HELL FROZE OVER! Chicago Tribune calls on city to REJECT $1.25M settlement with family of would-be cop killer who got his just desserts
Unbelievably Mayor "Let's Go Brandon" Johnson's legal team "negotiated" a $1.25M settlement with the family of a would-be cop killer. Dexter Reed pulled out his gun instead of his license (assuming he had a valid driver's license) and blasted away at Chicago cops who pulled him over. The boys in…
TRUMP’S SECOND AMENDMENT EXEC ORDER: TEN (10) Things Guns Save Life would like to see happen next…
The Second Amendment Foundation came out with a piece lauding President Trump's Executive Order setting the stage to roll back Biden's war on our guns. After it, we'll share our shopping list of what we want to see happen. BELLEVUE, Wash. (SAF/CCRKBA) — Feb. 7, 2025 — The Second Amendment…
JEFF KNOX: ‘The future of NRA is in Members’ Hands’
Jeff Knox of The Firearms Coalition penned this piece with his endorsements on the NRA Board of Directors elections. I have a lot of respect for this man and thought I would share it. It was originally published at Ammoland. Tombstone, Arizona – Ballots for the 2025 NRA Director election…
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Republican Quislings, Inauguration giddiness, GSL wins in court (again), a Thank You, Intolerance of violent crime
by John Boch GSL Executive Director Republican Quislings. Color me unimpressed with the Republican leadership in the Illinois House and Senate who voted for gun confiscations without due process. They apparently didn’t read the memo about not sodomizing your donors and core constituents. They may have thought, “Oh, my voters…
WORTH ATTENDING: ‘Bulletproof House of Worship’ Safety Conference hosted by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman coming to IL April 24-26
We're bringing this one back because what you learn at an event like this might save your life or one or more of your family. If your friend takes this, the life they save may be yours too. If you are part of a church safety and security team, or…
ATF Alert
Yesterday I receive at least two separate alerts from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF&E). This is a rare thing and I thought maybe they were announcing everyone there saw the handwriting on the wall and were picking up the Trump/DOJ/OPM initiative to resign by today, or…
NRA Board Elections: Our Endorsements
The NRA publications with the ballots for this year's board elections have landed for those eligible to cast ballots. Who do you vote for? In our view, the reformists. Period. For more information, visit ElectANewNRA.com. Here's a higher resolution pdf of the above.
US Department of Justice sues Illinois, Chicago, Cook County over criminal protecting ‘Sanctuary’ status
The US Department of Justice tried firing a shot over the bow of Illinois and our hard left jurisdictions in Chicago and Cook County over their laws/ordinances prohibiting state, county and local law enforcement from working with ICE to depart illegal alien criminals. And they are all criminals - felons…
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: A Year+ Later
by John Boch When I find something that really works, instead of hiding it under a basket, I like to share the news. In the past few years, I felt the effects of age and I’m not just talking about the hair loss. At first I chalked it up to…
QUISLINGS: So-called ‘PRO-GUN’ Republicans voted for gun confiscations without due process
Would you believe multiple so-called “pro-gun” Republicans joined the gun control jihadists in the Illinois General Assembly to pass a new law that allows gun confiscations without due process? Yes, they did. Even worse, a number of these people serve in leadership positions in their respective chambers. Those supporting these…