PERP’S FAMILY LOOKING TO WIN GHETTO LOTTERY: Thug who shot at cops dies in hail of defensive gunfire, family now seeks $$$$$$
Chicago Police have the same right to self-defense that you and I have. So when a man doesn't follow officer directives on a traffic stop decides to start shooting instead of complying, CPD officers fired back. In fact, officers on scene fired back a total of about 96 times, proving…
GRASSROOTS RISING April 27 in Peoria: Learn how to make a BIGGER difference!
Patriots United for America and the Illinois Freedom Alliance have partnered up to bring us Grassroots Rising on Saturday, April 27th in Peoria. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn and Suites at Grand Prairie. Why should you go? Their speakers will share how you, one of the…
WIN AN M1A! GSL’s Great Guns 2024 drawing coming soon… win M1A Scout Squad rifle
Guns Save Life announces our “Great Guns 2024” drawing. Yes, Virginia, we’ll be giving away a Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad on the second Thursday in June at the Charleston GSL meeting. This firearm is (obviously) Illinois legal. It’s basically a carbine-length M1A with a muzzle brake instead of a…
RUMORS SWIRL: Let’s Go Brandon Johnson rumored to have knocked up a white female staffer
High value men are those who have great jobs, often C-suite or similar as leaders of others. Among other attributes, they have six-figure incomes, stand close to 6' tall and are respected by their peers as high value men. They are the men that 80% or more of women compete…
NO CASH BAIL FIASCO #2: Two pervs trying to lure children into van not detained under new ‘No Cash Bail’ law
Shockingly, Cook County prosecutors and a Cook County Judge didn't think they could hold a pair of pervs who tried to lure three young teenagers into a van. No, the felons didn't claim to have puppies or free candy, but they did claim a famous athlete was inside. Oh, and…
WE CAN’T WAIT: Pritzker’s appointees can’t even implement a ‘Safe Storage’ PR campaign
JB Pritzker has appointed some certifiable winners into our state government. A few of them probably wear slip-on shoes because tying shoelaces is hard. Example, the Illinois Department of Public Health was supposed to squander spend millions of taxpayer money to address "gun" gang violence. The money was approved last…
BAD IDEA FACTORY: IL Black Caucus moves to eliminate ‘life’ sentences for habitual violent offenders
As if the "No Cash Bail" law wasn't enough into the radical experiment in decriminalizing crime, the Illinois Black Caucus along with some of their brain trust allies in the General Assembly have actually advanced a bill to end life sentences. Yep, because offenders who commit the worst of the…
See the NRA-ILA tonight in Danville!
The NRA is still around. They aren’t out of business and they haven’t abandoned Illinois. In fact, at a direct invitation from Guns Save Life, we have some great news! The NRA-ILA’s Illinois lobbyist John Weber will join most of Guns Save Life meetings next week to bring us up…
NO CASH BAIL FIASCO #1: Aggravate fleeing and eluding suspect sprung by IL 2nd District Appellate Court
Check this out: The Second District of the IL Appellate Court cut loose a guy initially held after an arrest on 25 offences including aggravated fleeing and eluding - a felony. He led cops on a high speed chase into Wisconsin from Spring Grove, IL. State prosecutors argued that the…
MORE THAN JUST MURDERERS AS ‘SAFE PASSAGE’ WORKERS: Chicago Public Schools are hotbed of sex abuse, sex misconduct & grooming
And you thought Chicago Public Schools were largely just poor schools graduating few, if any in some cases, students who could read or do math at grade level? And having murderers working at so-called "Safe Passage" routes? Why no! Staff (direct and/or vendors) are busy sexually grooming and abusing CPS…