GREAT GUNS 2024: Win this Springfield M1A Scout Squad from Guns Save Life!
Guns Save Life announces our "Great Guns 2024" drawing. Yes, Virginia, we'll be giving away a Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad on the second Thursday in June at the Charleston GSL meeting. This firearm is (obviously) Illinois legal. It's basically a carbine-length M1A with a muzzle brake instead of a…
GunNews is here. Available for Download…
For the record, I still haven't gotten the most recent issue yet. We mailed it Wednesday, February 21st. Hopefully it won't take 96 days to arrive like our December issue did. Trust me, we'll be rattling the USPS's cage if they don't start arriving very soon. And we'll call in…
THAT EXPLAINS A LOT: Gun grabber Chuck Schumer smiles while waving the Chinese Flag in NYC
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and…
RECKLESS, DANGEROUS, STUPID: Chicago Public Schools Dist. 299 votes UNANIMOUSLY to remove School Resource Officers next school year from all CPS schools
What could possibly go wrong? The school board for Chicago Public Schools District 299 voted unanimously to remove school resource officers from CPS school buildings next year. This after Mayor Brandon Johnson, the Chicago Teachers Union's fully bought-and-paid for mayor, supported this. You have to hand it to him: Brandon…
‘MIGRANT’ APOCALYPSE: You’re not safe in Joe Biden’s America… or JB Pritzker’s Illinois… Or Brandon Johnson’s Chicago
The illegal alien invasion is beyond out of control. Thank you Joe Biden and much of today's Democratic Party, the very same people who want to take YOUR guns away from you so you cannot defend yourself against these invaders. Of course, the invaders, many if not most of whom…
No charges in jewelry store attempted robbery after clerk shoots robber
And Chicago wonders why it has a crime problem. CWB has more: CHICAGO — A would-be thief who was shot by a concealed carry holder while trying to commit a smash-and-grab at a downtown Chicago jewelry store has been released without charges being filed. The store employee who shot…
What To Expect If You Take a Concealed Carry Class
(photo credit I have just returned from a weekend teaching the Illinois Concealed Carry Permit 16-hour course, and would like to scratch out a few words on what to expect if you decide to enroll in a similar course.Going into the days before the class, I had to gather…
Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church Shooting bodycam videos released…
Police released the bodycam footage from the Lakewood Church shooting that happened on February 11th in Houston. The video brings a lot of lessons home for those looking at it analytically. The attacker, reportedly a transgendered Muslim woman named Genesse Moreno, used a rifle with a "Free Palestine" message written…
BIRDBRAIN BRANDON SCREWS UP AGAIN: ShotSpotter Contract Extension possibly (probably…) illegal
Brandon Johnson has proven himself quite the "leader." He bad-mouthed ShotSpotter, calling it racist and other disparaging remarks. And when the contract ran out, he ASSUMED he could just extend it. Initially ShotSpotter's parent company said, "thanks, but no thanks." But with the City of Chicago's checkbook in hand, Birdbrain's…
US POST OFFICE TAKES 96 DAYS: December issue of GunNews, mailed Nov. 22, arrives in mailboxes now
We mailed our December 2023 issue of GunNews on the day before Thanksgiving last year. It seems as though someone at the US Post Office was triggered by the cover and decided to make a pallet full of GunNews just fall into the cracks for a few months. Out of…