OBAMA LIES, PEOPLE DIE: Illegals Obama released aren’t ‘minor criminals’. They are murderers, hard-core thugs
The mainstream media is committing journalistic malpractice by reporting a tiny sliver of truth about Obama's releases of illegal aliens from detention centers. (USA Today - fair warning on auto-play video) - New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed…
Canada loses her innocence to islamic terror
With two high-profile islamic (lack of capitalization intentional) terror attacks in two days, Canada has lost its innocence in the War on Terror. What does this mean? It means that more people saw how the only thing that stops a bad guy with evil in his heart is a good…
You thought Illinois’ CCW law sucked? Try DC’s new law
by John Boch We've gotten more than a few people harshly critical of Illinois' new concealed carry law attacking us for supporting it as though we wrote it. In reality, Michael Madigan wrote the new dysfunctional law and our choice at the time was to accept it or instead get…
WAKING UP: Americans believe our nation headed in the wrong direction
We're noticing a trend. And so are other Americans. Two-thirds of Americans recognize our nation is headed in the wrong direction both domestically and in foreign policy. It's not that all of that last third are all dumber than average. Some of those last third are just a little slower…
CANADA: Organized attack on Canadian Parliament today following islamic terror attack yesterday
[caption id="attachment_14319" align="alignnone" width="624"] What stops bad men with evil in their hearts? Good guys with guns. Canadian police run towards the Parliament building in Ottawa. Photo by Reuters[/caption] Two men attacked an honor guard at the Canadian War Memorial in Ottawa, Canada, and then proceeded to run into the…
GUESS WHO’S PACKIN’ HEAT: Missouri State Senator Jammy Nasheed arrested with CCW
Guess who's packing heat? Missouri's Democrat State Senator Jamilah Nasheed, the far left political hack that's predicting (inciting?) black mob violence in Ferguson if Officer Darren Wilson isn't indicted for shooting Michael Brown deader than a doorstop, that's who. Brown, of course, was the black male who had just committed…
FAIL: Trio of Chicago thugs bring Chicago-style violence to Indy; one gets shot dead
Indianapolis Police put an abrupt end to stupid plan by three stupid Chicago hoodlums to rob a store to help pay for their stupid trip to Tennessee. It all unfolded Saturday night when Walter Fells III, 23, Terrell Lucas, 22 and Jalil Hannah, 21 schemed to commit an…
Gateway Pundit reports on UI campus attacks; 45 similar assaults since first of October
If you needed another reason to get your Illinois concealed carry license and carry your gun - even in areas you perceive as safe, we bring you shocking news from the University of Illinois campus area. The violence on the campus of Illinois' flagship university is far worse than we…
STREISAND EFFECT: NY Ammo maker unhappy with our report on their donation to Cuomo
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"] Andy Wright left a career as an ad executive to open Pierce Munitions LLC.Jim Courtney/BizJournal(Editor: And he's wearing safety glasses while holding a cartridge, why? Is Pierce Ammo dangerous to hold?)[/caption] by John Boch I got a call yesterday from New York state. It…
KARMA: Phoenix bank robbers meet armed citizen, suffer perforations
Phoenix, AZ: Of all places to pull an armed robbery of a bank. Two future research scientists destined to cure cancer and heart disease ran into trouble when they went to make a withdrawal of a trash can full of cash from a credit union in Phoenix using guns. …