VONDUNNIT: 18-year-old sandwich boy’s photos
18 year-old Vonderrit Myers, Jr. Gee, couldn't see where this young man's life was headed, now could we?
Book Review: Concealed Handgun Manual & Thank God I Had a Gun
Book Reviews... The Concealed Handgun Manual & Thank God I Had a Gun: True Accounts of Self-Defense by John Boch (Guns Save Life) - Guns save innocent life from criminal attack one or two million times each year. Most of these incidents don’t involve the police and aren’t reported…
SIMPLE MINDS: St. Louis Mayor wants big-city gun bans
[caption id="attachment_14222" align="alignnone" width="600"] The NEW Peter Pan Extra-Crunchy Peanut Butter with extra iron and other vitamins! Photo shamelessly stolen from Days of our Trailers.[/caption] St. Louis Mayor Frank Slay has a simple idea to prevent people scumbags like Vonderritt Myers, Jr. from getting shot to death by…
DESPERATE: Brady Campaign board member attacks police
[caption id="attachment_14219" align="alignnone" width="225"] Joan Peterson[/caption] You know, twenty or thirty years ago, the gun control industry seemed to enjoy lots of cash from rich benefactors. They also were having some success passing onerous gun control laws at not only the federal level, but at the state and local level…
SPECIAL: Great comment left on EIU ladies getting some Chicago “culture” story
Check this little gem out, posted at CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Chicago thugs share “Chiraq” culture with women at EIU in small-town Charleston, IL: Posted by Really people!!! 1. The picture is NOT Jehari. I know him & that is not him. 2. Is shooting & killing the way to go? If…
HERE WE GO AGAIN: STL cops shoot thug, “protests” ensue UPDATED
St. Louis has once more been plunged into chaos following the death of an 18-year-old young man who pointed a gun at a cop and fired three shots. So-called protesters, including some of the leaders from the Ferguson hooliganism back in August, were out in force, taunting and threatening…
FRENCH: The Real Magic behind Magic Bullets – Picking the right self-defense round
We bring you a new contributing writer to Guns Save Life, Ryan French. He's a firearms instructor and firearms enthusiast with a quick wit and a keen sense of humor. His inaugural submission is a well-done piece on selecting personal defense ammunition to suit your self-defense needs. Ryan's also…
Chicago cop shot serving warrant on violent fugitive
A fugitive task force was met with gunfire in Chicago's notorious Englewood neighborhood yesterday evening, wounding a decorated Chicago Police Captain. Police returned fire through the apartment's door, wounding the fugitive and killing the fugitive's sister's boyfriend. We wish Captain Ed Kulbida a speedy recovery and all the best. As…
BIGOTS GONNA BIGOT: Left upset Open Carry Ohio defending black man shot by police
[caption id="attachment_14163" align="alignnone" width="575"] An Open Carry Ohio rally participant demonstrating in support of John Crawford, a young man killed by police after a caller made some false allegations against Mr. Crawford.[/caption] The radical Left loves a good social cause, but when Open Carry Ohio came out this past…
CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Chicago thugs share “Chiraq” culture with women at EIU in small-town Charleston, IL
One of my daily reads (after Gun Free Zone and The Truth About Guns) is Days of our Trailers. It's run by Roy Kubicek, aka Third Power, who makes me seem like a moderate in my pro-gun enthusiasm. [caption id="attachment_14158" align="alignright" width="300"] A screen capture from a post Jehari Butler…