Ebola, a nurse’s perspective

  Great story.  Read it.  It's well worth the two- to four-minute read.  You'll be better informed. A teaser: Ebola, A Nurse's Perspective ...The flu gets into your mucous and other secretions, Ebola tends to stay in the blood, but remember, every one of your bodily fluids are full of…

RED ALERT: Calling all gun owners! OUTBREAK in Clinton, IL!

[caption id="attachment_14118" align="alignnone" width="557"] Civil authorities have declared an emergency at the Clinton Nuclear Power Plant. They are requesting civilian gun owners to assist in curtailing[/caption]   "It's time to shoot these zombies dead and end this threat to our families and children." Clinton, IL (DCSC News Service) - Exelon…

EMPOWERMENT: Wanna stop a rapist? Get a gun.

Oh, this is good.  This is a terrific article breaking down the left's allegations that a women need not take steps, including availing themselves to self-defense, to stop the so-called rape culture. They claim that a expecting a woman to exercise good judgement and common sense, situational awareness and carry…