American Sniper trailer
Directed by Clint Eastwood, the new movie "American Sniper" looks to be one that gun owners can appreciate, and maybe - just maybe - it's devoid of the usual Hollywood anti-gun, anti-America bias so prevalent in today's sewage coming out of America's movie companies. You owe it to yourself to…
Understanding the risks of Ebola
A better-than-average article about Ebola at MSN today: Can you catch Ebola on a crowded bus or train if you are standing next to someone who is infected? What if that person sneezes or coughs on you? If the person has symptoms, the answer could be yes. Questions that…
GUN HATE: You exercise your right, they’ll threaten your life
[caption id="attachment_14079" align="alignnone" width="526"] Several of the rent-a-thug contingent employing their idea of "reasoned discourse" with a gun rights advocate outside of Chuck's Guns in Riverdale, IL back in September 2014. Gun control advocates are control freaks, pure and simple.[/caption] "Moms Demand SWATting" by C.W. Cooke at National Review Online…
JOHN LOTT: Egregious errors in recent “gun” studies are an opportunity for us!
Editor's note: This story was originally posted Saturday evening, September 27th. John Lott called and asked us to suspend this blog story for a couple of days. So we're re-publishing it today. John Lott appeared Saturday afternoon at the Gun Rights Policy Conference in Chicago. He detailed some of…
CAUTION: Got a flashlight app on your phone? It’s probably malware.
[caption id="attachment_14065" align="alignnone" width="600"] Get a real flashlight.[/caption] Do you have a flashlight app, especially on an Android phone? It's probably malware. The top ten "flashlight" apps on phones are all malware, sending your private data to India, China and Russia. Check out this report. For more info:
PATHETIC: Killer gunshop robbers from Indiana turn to internet to pay for defense lawyer
[caption id="attachment_14059" align="alignnone" width="560"] Scene of the murder and armed robbery.[/caption] To our gun shop brethren: be careful and keep your situational awareness up, especially if you're working alone. Jennings County, IN (Columbus, IN Rupublic) - A firearms dealer was found dead in his western Jennings County gun shop…
CONTRAST: Good guys with guns at O’Hare vs. bad guys elsewhere in Chicago
Did you see any of the mainstream media report on the Windy City body count from last weekend? Yeah, we didn't either, so here it is, courtesy of Hey Jackass (Illustrating Chicago Values) Weekend’s Stupidity (Fri 12p – Mon 6a) Shot & Killed: 5 Shot & Wounded: 44 Total Homicides*:…
FRANK SHARPE: On backup guns
The subject of secondary, or “back-up”, guns has been debated to death over the years, and I’d rather not beat that dead horse. But, I’m asked about it on a regular basis and I think I might be able to throw in a few thoughts that are often left…
UNARMED AND DEAD: Realtor killed in Arkansas by man posing as a “buyer”
[caption id="attachment_14040" align="alignnone" width="600"] Beverly Carter, a real estate agent from Arkansas, kidnapped, raped and killed.[/caption] THUGS MENACING A LADY ALONE? DETERRENCE REQUIRES MORE THAN A PHONE The Guns Save Life highway sign slogan above was initially posted on Interstate 55 just south of Pontiac, IL many years ago…