NO KIDDING: Illinois’ concealed carry law ‘disarms’ poor blacks
[caption id="attachment_14036" align="alignnone" width="600"] Police and paramedics on the scene of a multiple victim shooting in Chicago.[/caption] Silence from the Ku Klux Klan, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Aryan Nations and Americans for Responsible Solutions as to Illinois'…
Camille Paglia: The Modern Campus Cannot Comprehend Evil
Folks used to say that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Camille Paglia has almost found that magical time in her piece in Time Magazine online today. It's titled, "The Modern Campus Cannot Comprehend Evil" and she pretty much delivers the truth to those who read Time…
ARMED AMERICAN: I shot my stalker tonight
by ItsMissesStealYoCat · I'm writing this staring at the mess the police left for me, in a bit of a fog. After 6 months of stalking and threats against my life my stalker finally snapped and decided to kick my door in and make good on his promise. Out of…
GET YOUR POPCORN: Woman declares her shooting range a “muslim-free zone”
Here's the story from her site: The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range is now a a MUSLIM FREE ZONE. I have reached this decision based on the following: 1) The Koran (which I have read and studied thoroughly) and (which all muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate,…
NOT SO GOOD: Chinese police firearm training: Five rounds.
The Washington Post continues with the anti-gun bias in their latest story following up on China's decision to arm local police. For a long time, Chinese police were similar to those in Great Britain, where local cops generally were unarmed and only the specialized units had guns. Given…
GOOD GUYS MEET! Gun Rights Policy Conference underway! Photos inside…
Right here, right now in Chicago, IL. Despite a man trying to burn down an FAA building, and trying to commit suicide, the event is underway with what's now approaching 300 participants. The FAA building fire tied up air traffic near Chicago for much of yesterday morning, threatening to keep…
ILLINOIS CONCEALED CARRY WORKS: Attempted carjacking thwarted in Chi-town
Concealed carry saves lives and deters crime. It happens each and every day throughout America. And now that Illinois has right-to-carry, it happens a lot more often in Illinois - even Chicago, home to some of America's strictest gun laws. You didn't read about this incident in the Chicago…
HEINOUS: Good guy with gun stops islamic beheading attack in Oklahoma
[caption id="attachment_13988" align="alignnone" width="640"] Alton Nolen.[/caption] An islamic attack in Oklahoma City ended with a good guy with a gun shooting the radical muslim who was in the process of hacking on a second victim after beheading the first. The man, Alton Nolen, pictured above, is a muslim with…
SIGNS DON’T STOP BULLETS: Student shot on Chicago’s “Safe Passage” route
Second City Cop is reporting that fewer Chicago police are monitoring the so-called "Safe Passage" routes to schools in the city - and that a student was shot this past week on a Safe Passage route. The media hasn't reported either fact. We'll see if that changes in the…
BREAKING: Atlantic County prosecutor giving Shaneen Allen pre-trial intervention
Good news! Your calls and pressure have paid off. Facing an avalanche of grassroots pressure, and political pressure from New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie, the Atlantic County prosecutor has announced that Shaneen Allen won't face up to five years in prison for carrying her concealed carry piece into New Jersey.…