ENTITLEMENT SYNDROME? Thug’s “baby momma” wanted donations for his funeral expenses
Canton, Ohio - the town made famous for Daniel Harless, the raving lunatic cop who threatened to shoot a concealed carry licensee back in 2011 - is back on our radar in more recent days. It seems a trio of young black men decided to rob the local "stop and…
THAT WAS QUICK! DC approves “may issue” concealed carry
Proof that government can move quickly when it needs to. Washington DC's city government approved concealed carry legislation that would allow residents to carry concealed firearms. It's "may issue" and we'll have to see if the city's police chief issues licenses with some degree of regularity ...or not. CCW will…
WOW: Moms Demand Action employee cites Goebbels’ words as wise words to live by
[caption id="attachment_13956" align="alignnone" width="480"] Moms Demand Action employee Alison Martin.[/caption] Alison A. Martin works for Moms Demand Action as their NY Chapter Leader. She looks a little young to be a mom, but who knows. She had this Twitter exchange yesterday: [caption id="attachment_13955" align="alignnone" width="408"] Screen grab courtesy Home Gun…
RENEGER: Rep. Cheri Bustos busted for unfulfilled pay cut campaign pledge
It wouldn't be the first time a political candidate lied. But Cheri Bustos, the Democrat congressional representative from East Moline, not only reneged on her pledge to take a 10% cut in her Congressional pay as a symbolic gesture of belt-tightening, she then had the gall to claim that…
LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, A GUN OWNER IS THERE: Burglar discovers home was no gun free zone
Remember: Texas has the "he needed killin'" defense, along with a very liberal tolerance for using deadly force in the dead of night to protect property. Illinois, however, isn't Texas! CHANNELVIEW, TX (6ABC.com) -- A burglary suspect is dead, after neighbors foiled a break-in in suburban Houston, Texas. The…
BREAKING: Another “Gun-free zone” massacre
[caption id="attachment_13938" align="alignnone" width="600"] When seconds count, police are minutes away.[/caption] United Parcel Service has a corporate policy banning concealed carry or other weapons from its offices and property. Ask them how that worked out for them today. Birmingham News has the story: BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (AL.com) --Three people are dead…
ISIS IN CHICAGO FOLLOWUP: Suspect’s court date put off to mid-October
Remember the islamist gentleman who had a big ISIS flag flying from his vehicle while being pursued by Chicago Police last month? The guy who, after police finally got him stopped, (allegedly) told the Boys in Blue that his car was a car bomb and he would detonate it if…
INDIANA goes online for CCW applications/renewals effective October 1
Indiana is going to an online-only concealed carry application effective October first. Those who don't have internet access or a computer should probably visit their local library. Also, those pink licenses like the one pictured above? Those will be a thing of the past for licenses issued after October 1.…
WHAT FIRST AMENDMENT? Obama’s DOJ suspends Constitution at town hall meetings in Ferguson
Obama's Department of Justice took over two town hall meetings in Ferguson, Missouri. The fact that they were present wasn't so troubling as the fact that they were limiting admission to residents of Ferguson only. Owners of Ferguson businesses who lived outside of town were not welcome, and neither…
We found this on MSN. No, they haven't adopted a freedom and liberty-loving bias of late, but instead are trying to cast gun owners like you and I as redneck hillbillies and domestic "extremists".